In My Mirror's Reflection

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Hello readers! How are you all doing? I have a new one-shot for you all that I also want your opinion on. I am considering developing this idea into a full-length story, but I want to see what all of you think first. Please let me know in the comments what you think after reading. Before we get into the story, I just want to preface this by saying I came up with this idea ages ago and I vaguely remember what I was planning on doing with the story based off of my notes, but it definitely is not the exact same thing that I had planned back when I first came up with the idea. I tried my best, but the original plan I had in my head was more interesting...I think. Again, I really can't remember coming up with this idea. Anyway, enough of my rambling. We should get into the story. It's a sad angsty sci-fi Rawoong (Oneus) fic. I hope you enjoy and have your tissues prepared.

Hwanwoong trudges past the living room of his flat with a blank expression on his face. His lips are pursed into a straight line and his limbs seem to hang on a thread as they sway back and forth. He is garbed in an oversized gray sweatshirt and form-fitting black workout pants, his hair is plastered to his forehead underneath his huge hood. He slowly walks to his room, letting his black backpack slip off his shoulders and onto the floor. He turns his attention to his bed which he flops down onto without a second of hesitation. He shoves his face deep into his covers, wanting his bed to swallow him whole.

Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Bzzzz. Hwanwoong groans before slowly turning over and yanking his phone out of his pocket. He taps at the screen and lets out a breath when he sees the amount of missed calls and messages from his boss. Hwanwoong shakes his head as he slowly puts his phone to sleep. What more does this lady want from him? He came in and covered for the other dancer who sprained her ankle. The lady never said he had to stay the entire day. She can't expect him to. Especially today. He gets that she's new and all, but he took off for a reason. His megalomaniac of a boss needs to realize that he has a life outside the studio.

"I really must be going crazy..." Hwanwoong scoffs at his inner thoughts, "I live and breathe dance..." He sighs as he turns onto his stomach again, reaching his arm over to drop his phone onto the side table where a lamp and a black photo frame sit. As Hwanwoong is about to move away, his eyes catch the photo within the frame and his entire body freezes. He bites his lower lip before reaching to grab the frame. His hands shake slightly as he brings it in front of his face. It's an image of him, a wide smile on his face as he rides on the back of a black haired man who glances up at him with shining eyes of adoration. They're on a beach and Hwanwoong can almost feel the ocean breeze rustling through his hair as his finger brushes against the picture.

He stares at the photo for a second longer before squeezing his eyes shut. He quickly places the picture frame back on the side table and sits back up in a crouching position. He pulls his knees close to him and buries his face into his chest. His throat starts to feel scratchy and his vision begins to blur. He grits his teeth, trying to force himself not to cry. It's silly. Today, he should be allowed to cry all he wants, but Hwanwoong doesn't want to cry. Cause if he does, it'll just remind him of the fact that he doesn't have anyone to tell him to stop. He doesn't have anyone to comfort him with a warm hug or wipe the tears from streaking down his cheeks. He doesn't have anyone to tell him it will all be okay. He doesn't have anyone and that would mean crying all by himself. So he would much rather not cry at all.

Hwanwoong lets out a shaky breath after he has regained his composure. He slowly lifts his head up and his eyes lock onto the photos hanging on the walls. His expression is melancholic, filled with affection and sorrow all at once. He robotically slides off the bed and makes his way over to the photos at a steady pace, almost as if he was at a museum observing other people's artwork. His hands shake slightly and he can feel tears, just barely restrained, creeping in his eyes. He knows that by doing this he's increasing the chances of crying, but isn't this what you're meant to do on a day like this. Remember the better days. Reminisce on the happy memories of him. Or is he supposed to do some offering ceremony? No, that's only for the elders. Right? He thinks he should be visiting the graveyard. Paying his respects and all that, but Hwanwoong doesn't want to go there alone. And he really doesn't want to go by himself and run into his family, regardless of how close they used to be before the accident. So he'll settle with looking at pictures of him. Spending the day in their apartment. As his own way of mourning.

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