Close My Eyes

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This one-shot is a Birdflash one! I hope you like it. This takes place in the Young Justice universe, the cartoon which you should all watch if you haven't already. This was recommended by karaciciva1

Dick blinks a couple of times. His eyes are sore from how long he has been crying. He sits down in a chair and grabs a sheet of paper. He takes a pen from the drawer and begins to write. As he does so, memories of what had happened flash through his mind. The Reach, the machines, Wally. Everything had happened so fast. One minute, Wally was right next to him making a joke. The next second, he was gone. Dick always knew that Wally was fast. He never knew that he would be leaving this fast. He never even thought about Wally leaving. It would seem like an important topic to think about. After all, they were heroes that risk their lives on a daily basis. It never really felt like something to worry about though. Dick stops writing and crumples up the piece of paper. He throws it behind him and lays his forehead on the desk. He closes his eyes as he feels more tears. He's so tired of being sad. He wants things to be like they were before. This wouldn't have happened if they were just normal. If they weren't heroes. There was a time that Wally and Dick had talked about quitting the hero business. They wanted to focus on their own lives, be normal. In the end, Dick wanted to continue being Nightwing. There was no way that Wally would let Dick do that alone, so he remained Kid Flash. "Wally...." Dick mutters before lifting his head up. He picks up another piece of paper and grabs his pen. He begins to write again.


You're never going to actually read this, but I'm still going to write it. Black Canary said it may help me to write this letter for you. I decided to give it a shot. To be honest, it's hard. I know that I'm writing this letter to my boyfriend. Who, isn't with me anymore. It hurts to think of that. It hurts to be here, without you by my side. I would never being doing this if you were still right here beside me. Thinking about what happened hurts. It all hurts. That probably seems like a pretty stupid way to describe my pain, but that's what it is. It feels like a part of me is missing. You're that part Wally. You always will be. I know you would want me to move on, but it isn't that easy. I always imagined our future. It would be the two of us, getting married and growing old. Fighting crime together. Starting a family. Being happy, since we would be together. That's the life we should've lived. I want a chance to have that future with you. But, I don't think I will ever get that chance. You're gone. It doesn't seem real, but you're not here. I don't have you with me. Wally, god, I miss you so much. I want you to be here, next to me. I want you to pick me up and run us to anywhere in the world. I want to run my hand through your hair. I want you to mumble sweet-nothings in my ear. I want it to be me and you. I want to tell you I love you. I want to plant a million kisses on your lips and tell you how much you mean to me. If I could have just another second with you, I would do all of that and more. Wally, why did you have to go? Why did you have to push yourself to go faster? I know you would say, I'm a hero. It's my job to save the day. If that means I have to put my life at risk for the sake of others, I'll do it without a second thought. I've always loved that about you. You're an amazing hero with a heart of pure gold. The thing is though, you had another job. My boyfriend. I wish that you would've just stayed beside me. I wish that you didn't go up to that machine and start running around it. That probably sounds extremely selfish of me. If you hadn't helped, I don't know what could've happened. Even if it's selfish I can't help but wonder, what if you stuck beside me. When Barry told me that you didn't make it, it felt like the world had ended. Even though we had just saved Earth, it didn't matter since you weren't there to celebrate our victory. We saved many people, but not you. We don't even know where your body is. We couldn't give you a proper burial. We did our best, though. I told your parents about what happened. We mourned over your death together. Our friends are still shocked by what happened. Everyone is. You've impacted many people's lives, Walls. It's getting really hard to write this the more I go on. The sadness, pain, and tears haven't gone away. The tears keep coming as I write more. I don't know how long it will take me to get over this. I'm not sure I'll get over it at all. I've had dreams ever since you, ceased. They're dreams of us, living our lives out. We fight crime together as the Flash and Nightwing. We protect the world, as partners. I see us living in a house together. I could see our daughter and son running around playing tag. I can see the two of us together. In the dream, we are together. It's a beautiful dream that I wish were a reality. The second I wake up it all goes away. And you're gone, again. I love you, Wally. I love you, so much. This letter is supposed to be my farewell to you. It's supposed to help me move on. I think I will, eventually. Right now though, I'm not too sure. I just keep on thinking back to us. To our first kiss. To our first date. Then, I think about the last time I kissed you. The last time, I told you I loved you. And when I think about that, I know I can't move on. Remember when we were younger and I used to get really stressed or something like that. You would always tell me to close my eyes and take a deep breath. You would hold my hands and rub my back. I would always feel better afterwards. You said it was a trick your mom taught you to help you let go. Well, I'm going to do it now. I'm going to close my eyes and breathe. I'm going to try to let you go. I'm going to try, for you. I love you Wally. I always will. I enjoyed every minute I spent with you. I wouldn't take it back for anything in the world. I love you.

Yours, Dick.

Dick drops his pen and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath and exhales. When he opens his eyes, he takes the paper and folds it up. He slips it into an envelope and writes Wally's name on it. He stands up and makes his way to the memorial room. He walks over to Wally's memorial and kneels down. He places the letter on the floor beside bouquets of flowers. Dick stands up slowly and looks at the digital image of his boyfriend. He smiles fondly at it before turning around. He walks towards the Zeta Tubes, where Kaldur is standing. "Are you sure about leaving?" Kaldur asks, "The team really needs someone like you with us."

I nod my head, "I'm sticking with my decision. I need to get away for a bit. We made this team, Kaldur. It's not the same without him. I need to take a break. Get used to doing this without him. I've always done this with him. Now that he isn't here with me, I'm not sure I can do this. I'm trying. It's just taking some time. I just don't think I can fight crime, knowing that I don't have a certain speedster to back me up."

Kaldur places his hand on my shoulder, "Take as much time as you need, my friend. And if you ever need anything, do not hesitate to call me. Or anyone else for that matter. Wally was our friend too. We are all here for you." I smile to show my gratitude. I wave at him as I make my way to the Zeta Tube. I close my eyes as I feel it take me away. I wish it could take away my pain as well, but I know that it is something I have to get rid of on my own.

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