Poke the Stars of Luck

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We are back with Minjoon. This is the other one-shot I'm writing for the ARMY'S Amino challenge. After this, I have two more Kpop ship one shots that have been recommended to finish and then we'll move on to some other ships. What do you think about a LadyNoir one? Or, maybe, some SpideyNova or Birdflash? Tell me what you think in the comments. Now let's get onto this fluffy fluff.

You hide but only appear when you smile

Jimin sits on the floor in front of the closet. He reaches inside and pulls out a blue shoebox. He opens it up and gazes at the loads of Polaroids sitting inside. He pushes past them, looking for a specific picture. He smiles when he spots it. He carefully picks it up and brushes his finger over it. It's one of Namjoon and him. He giggles as he sees how shy his actions had made the older. He lets his finger trace the outline of the figures in the picture. He taps on his pictured finger that touches the side of Namjoon's cheek. He shakes his head. This picture was from so long ago. When he believed, religiously, in the silly stories his mom used to tell him.

Where did you come from?

When Jimin was younger, he would beg his mom to tell him stories. She would always invent these mystical, magical worlds that he could get stuck in. That he would dream and wonder about for days. There is one story that Jimin always liked more than others. One that he would ask to be told again and again. This story was about dimples. And the people with them. His mom told Jimin how those with dimples are angels brought from somewhere in the galaxy to protect us from evil beings. She told him that they were rare and those that found the angels were special. No one got to see an angel, just because. The person who found the angel is just as special as the angel themselves. But, there are rules if you are the one to find an angel. You must be kind and friendly to the angel. You must treat it like a human being, because if you don't treat the angel right, it would run away from you. The angel also had powers to grant people wishes and luck. All it took was a simple press of the little indents in the sides of their cheeks. The dimples that all angels carried. You mustn't press too hard or you won't be granted anything. It had to be a careful poke and you would be granted luck. Jimin was in awe, wanting to find an angel right away. And he searched. He wanted to find someone with dimples more than anything. It seemed though that he wasn't one of those special angel finders. He never found an angel. He had given up after a while and he had started to grow up. Believing a little less and less, each day. Until, he met someone with dimples. Years later.

Don't lie, I know you're an angel
What are you?

When Jimin had gotten accepted into BigHit, he was over the moon. He was definitely nervous, but he was so excited. He came into the company practice room where he was to meet with the other trainees. When he entered the room, no one was there except a fairly tall young man sitting in a swivel chair. Jimin slowly approached him and tapped on his shoulder. The boy turned around really quickly, making Jimin jump back in surprise. "Oh, hi," The person said, "I'm Namjoon. You must be Jimin. We're going to be training together."

Jimin smiled, "It's nice to meet you, Namjoon-ssi..."

"Just call me, Namjoon," He replied with a smile, dimples appearing on the sides of his cheeks. Jimin's eyes widen and his heart halts. He stares at the dimples in shock and awe. He had given up on finding someone with dimples a long time ago. He had stopped believing in that story concocted by his mom. Yet, that all flew out the window the second he saw Namjoon. He couldn't stop himself from gently poking the indent. Jimin did it quickly and as he pulled his hand away, he realized what he had just did. What was wrong with him? He had just met Namjoon and he poked his dimple. Was he nuts? Jimin shrinked in on himself, embarrassed by his actions. Namjoon shifted in his seat a little, a tad bit weirded out with what the younger had just done. Namjoon looked to Jimin, whose eyes were trained to the floor and his fists, clenched tight. His facial expression softened as he looked at the nervous boy. Namjoon stood from his seat and laughed nervously, "Uh...don't worry about it, Jimin. People usually have the same reaction when they see my dimples. It kinda ruins my image as a rapper though, don't you think? I mean, who would expect a rapper to have dimples?" Jimin raised his head back up and looks at Namjoon. The young rapper has a smile on his face and didn't seem to be as annoyed as Jimin had imagined he would be. Jimin's shoulders relaxed and he laughs a little at Namjoon's words. "I think they're cute," Jimin states.

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