Our Own Christmas Card

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Hello! This is the very last Xmas one-shot I have for you, so I hope that you all enjoy it. It is the least shippy of the three. It focuses more on brotherly love, but it mentions a couple other ships, so I put it in this book. I have always loved the relationship amongst the BTS members and I feel like this story fits perfectly for Namjoon and Taehyung. I'm going to be focusing on family in this one-shot, so I hope that you enjoy it.

Namjoon has been single his entire life. It's never been that big of a deal for him. He's satisfied with his life. He has a nice apartment and a good job. He has coffee to drink and any food he could ask for on his table. He has a phone, a TV, running water, and air conditioning. He has a loving family and a bunch of chaotic friends. What more could he ask for? The only thing he doesn't have is a partner. And it's not like he needs it. He's fine being single. There's nothing wrong with it. It's not like he's required to date someone. He's doing completely fine on his own. He's living a steady life. He's managing himself perfectly fine. He doesn't need a girlfriend or a boyfriend or any significant other. Namjooon tells this same thing to every person who asks about why he is still single or tries to set him up with someone. He's just not interested in dating. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't feel the need to be with someone. Sure, it may be nice, but Namjoon is okay with being by himself. It's true. He is. He doesn't have any problems being single. But, every so often, he gets a tad bit into his own head. He can't help, but wonder if maybe he should be dating. He's at the age where most people start dating. All of his friends are. Heck, some of his friends are even married and have a family. These thoughts cross his mind every so often. On days where he can't help but feel a tad bit alone. It's usually around special holidays that he's at this point of self-pity. Days where parents are celebrated or relationships. Times where families and friends gather, introducing their new partner or introducing their kids to one another. That's when Namjoon can't help but feel a bit distanced from the group. Like he's the outlier in this situation. He's the oddball. He tries to hide this feeling, but bottling up your emotions only leads to a massive explosion later on. And that is exactly what happens.

Namjoon doesn't remember crying. He doesn't remember breaking down. He had come back home from his daily workout to a mailbox filled with envelopes. It was that time of year again and his friends had sent him their Christmas cards. He always liked getting Christmas cards from them. He enjoyed seeing the pretty red paper and the picture of his friends' large smiles. The curly text at the bottom that says wishing you a happy holiday from whomever. It just was a staple of Christmastime and he loved receiving the cards. That's why his reaction to them was so odd. Namjoon took a quick shower before going to open up the cards. Soft smiles appeared on his face as he opened each one. The first was from his older brother Jin. His hyung had decided to adopt a child at the beginning of the year and the two were pictured on the card. Jin's arm is wrapped around the boy and their cheeks are pressed together. They have wide smiles on their faces that make Namjoon smile as well. He looks at it for a second longer, his heart twinging a bit before placing it to the side. The next one is from his friends Yoongi and Hoseok. He was actually the one that introduced them to each other. It was rough at first, Yoongi having had a similar stance on relationships as Namjoon, but the two clicked in the end. They've been dating for two years now and Namjoon doesn't doubt that they will for years to come. The two are sitting in front of their shared apartment which they just got a couple months ago. They're bundled up in matching coats and lean towards each other. Namjoon's heart warms a bit, happy to see his friends doing so well. This warmth is changed quickly to this odd chilling feeling that makes Namjoon a tad bit uncomfortable. He lets out a breath before pushing past the feeling and reaching for the next card. This one is from his dongsaengs from college. Jungkook and Jimin were that couple that were always side by side. Sickeningly adorable and just the picture perfect couple. No one was surprised when they tied the knot, sealing their relationship forever. The two were currently in talks about adopting a child and starting a family of their own. The picture used in the card is one that Jungkook snapped quickly. The two were clearly joking around. Jimin holds a mistletoe in one hand and presses a quick peck to the side of his husband's cheek. Their eyes both shine with unending adoration for each other. Namjoon's smile deepens a bit, his dimples showing on the corners of his mouth. He stares a while longer at the card, tightening his hold on the card, but not enough to crease it. Just then, a droplet of liquid plops onto the card. It lands right in Jungkook's cheek in the photo and lingers there. Namjoon's smile turns into a frown and he lifts a shaky hand up to touch his cheek, which is damp with fresh tears. He doesn't make a noise as he quickly wipes away his tears and then the droplet from the card. He places it to the side and grabs the next card. He rips it open with a sense of urgency. He forces a stiff smile onto his face as more tears fill his eyes, making everything blurry. He continues to tear open card after card, looking at more smiling faces and giggling children. Families with their arms wrapped around one another. Couples in matching Christmas sweaters. The cards begin to all blur together and Namjoon's head starts to pound from how much he's been crying. He falls to the ground, the cards and envelopes scattered around him on the floor in a mess. He lets out a hollow breath and slowly lowers to the floor. He curls up on himself and lets out a strangled sob.

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