Can't Hear Your Love

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Hello! I am back with another romance one-shot. This one was recommended by _CrossGeneFlower_ a while back. I'm sorry it took so long for me to finish this request. It's a Stary Kids one-shot. Between Bangchan and Jeongin. I hope that you enjoy it and I hope that I did the plot justice. Let's get into it!

P.S. I was bouncing back and forth on what POV I should do. In the end, I went with Third Person Omniscient. I made this decision and said it out loud. My mom thought I was nuts.

Jeongin has always been told stories when he was younger of how his mom and dad had first met and fell in love.

He was always rather intrigued with the idea of love.

Even when he found out his parents love, wasn't as strong as he had first thought.

Even when he realized that his parents weren't the most loving people, which he realized in court when his parents were taken away in handcuffs.

Still, the idea of love was interesting to him.

Something he thought he understood, but at the same time never did.

Jeongin has lived his life wondering what love is.

He searched for it.

He wanted to learn what it is.

He knew that the only way for him to learn more about love was to find a love of his own.

Except, it isn't easy to find your own love, when you can't hear your significant other say I love you.


Jeongin moved in with his grandma when he was about 10. He's basically grew up with her in her house near the sea. It was his safe haven. A place where it was quiet and peaceful and people always seemed to have a smile on their face. Jeongin was happy here. His grandma was always sweet to the young boy, who has always struggled with deafness. She treated the child as if he were her own and showered him with affection. Jeongin learned more about love, thanks to his grandma. He didn't completely get it, but he learned more about it.

Jeongin was homeschooled by his grandma, taught arithmetic and other life lessons. It was thanks to his grandma that he was able to learn sign language. A skill that his parents had never bothered to learn or teach their son. It was a whole new world for Jeongin. He used to just read lips and respond the best he could. Now, he could just understand the movements of his grandma's hands and reply with similar hand gestures.

Although, Jeongin was happy. He did get lonely from time to time. Whenever his grandma needed to leave the house or meet up with friends, he was left alone. He would sit in the empty house with nothing to do. It was hard for him to make friends. He didn't go to school with the rest of the kids and the ones that wanted to hang out with him, found him weird for being deaf. He was okay though, he had his grandma. If other people didn't want to give him the time of day, so be it.

As Jeongin grew up, he decided to venture outside of the house. Whenever his grandma would leave him alone, he would rush out to the backyard. It overlooked the beach and it had a cute little garden. His grandma had even added a bench to the backyard after she saw how much her grandson loved it. Jeongin would come outside and bask in the cool beach breeze. He would soak in the sunlight and enjoy just being outside. He was never bothered, at least he didn't think he was.


Chan has lived in the same place for as long as he could remember. He was happy in this place, surrounded by people he loved and who loved him. He had loving parents and two younger siblings. He did well in school and had a couple of friends. He had everything he could possibly ask for.

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