Imaginary Love Life

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Hello! I am back with another one-shot. Usually, when I write romance one-shots, I have a ship that I'm really into and then I develop a story around it. This one wasn't like that. I came up with this story first and couldn't decide which ship to make it. I was between two ships and the one I ended up going with is Jicheol. I only wrote like two other one-shots of this ship and both were sort of sad. This one isn't that much different from the first two, but it is a lot more angsty and less romancy. There's a lot going on here and it is going to be a wild ride. I don't want to go too much in depth about what's going to happen and such, so that's pretty much all I have to say. I hope you enjoy it.

Dedicated to my own imaginary lover, wherever you may be

5 years ago

Jihoon didn't know what to say or think when Wonwoo told him that he had a boyfriend. Wonwoo was his childhood best friend and one of those people that gave you this person is never going to date sort of vibe. That's why Jihoon was pretty surprised when Wonwoo told him the good news. For that reason and the fact that Jeon Wonwoo managed to snag himself some hot guy before him. He wasn't bitter. Just a bit doubtful. "Congrats..." Jihoon murmured.

"You don't sound happy for me," Wonwoo said.

"I am," Jihoon stated, "I'm just trying to process the fact that my best friend is in a relationship."

Wonwoo smiled, "Me too..."

"How did it even happen?" Jihoon asked. The two are seated at a table within their favorite cafe which is fairly empty considering it was the middle of the afternoon. "We work together," Wonwoo answered, "There was this chemistry the second we met..."

Jihoon sipped his drink and nods his head, "What's his name?"

"Kim Mingyu," Wonwoo said, "And...he has a friend that works at our company. He's super nice and he's pretty strong. He's a year older than us. You would love him."

"That's nice...." Jihoon muttered.

"It's more than just nice," Wonwoo said in an excited tone, "It's great. It just so happens that he is also interested in you!"

Jihoon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Me? He doesn't even know me."

"He never met you, but he knows you pretty well considering how much I talk about my best friend at work," Wonwoo stated.

Jihoon groaned, "You talk about me."

"Of course! I even have pictures of us from our vacation last year," Wonwoo said, "I showed them to everyone in the company." Jihoon signed and did his best to not yell at his friend for doing such a thing. He knew deep down that it's just cause Wonwoo has always valued their friendship. Wonwoo never had a significant other to show off, so Jihoon was the next best thing. "Seungcheol is pretty whipped already. Oh! That's the name of Mingyu's friend. Seungcheol. Choi Seungcheol," Wonwoo said in a chirpy tone, "I was thinking of setting you two up."

"I don't know..." Jihoon said in a wary tone.

"Trust me!" Wonwoo said, "I would never even suggest it if I didn't think he would be a good fit for you."

"I still don't think..." Jihoon muttered.

"How about just getting to know him then?" Wonwoo questioned, "I'll give him my phone and he can text you. You two can talk and see if you hit it off or not."

Jihoon frowned, "Wait...why would he use your phone to talk to me? If I wanted to get to know him wouldn't you just give me his number?"

"Does that mean you're interested?" Wonwoo asked.

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