Chocolate Valentine

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Hello! I have a Wolfstar one-shot for you all. This is my first ever Harry Potter one-shot and it's between Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. I freaking love this ship and I love these characters so much. The Marauders are some of my favorite characters in the series. Okay, enough of my fangirling. Let's get into the one-shot.

Remus sat in the Gryffindor common room with a textbook on his lap. It may be Valentine's Day, but he had no time to relax. His Potions professor wasn't the lovey dovey type of person and had assigned the class an exam the next day. Of course, it is only Remus that was studying. James is off trying to win the affections of Lily. Peter is.... who knows where. And Sirius....he's-

"Remmy!!!!! Moony!!! My wonderful wolfy friend!"

Speak of the devil.

Sirius plops himself on the floor, right in front of Remus's feet. Remus doesn't look up from his book and continues to study. "Moony? Why aren't you talking to me?" Sirius says, nudging Remus's leg. Remus sighs and turns a page in his textbook. Sirius whimpers and gently pushes Remus's leg. Remus ignores him and continues to study. Sirius continues to whine and jostle Remus. Eventually, Remus starts to get annoyed with the young man hitting him. "Sirius! Will you please stop that?!" Remus exclaims.

Sirius smiles, "Finally! You finally acknowledge my existence!!!"

"Big words you're using...." Remus comments.

Sirius nods, "I've been studying, for you Remus. Plus, I'm super excited that you spoke to me!"

"I speak with you all the time," Remus says, looking back down at his book.

"No! Don't go back to reading...." Sirius groans, "I had something important to ask you."

Remus shakes his head, "I'm busy, Padfoot. Can it wait?"

Sirius pouts, "No, it can't wait. What are you doing anyway? I'm sure your book can wait...."

"It's a textbook, Pads. I have a Potions exam tomorrow. You do too. You should be studying," Remus says as he scans the page.

Sirius scoffs, "Study? I'm an ace at Potions. I don't need to study."

"You're grade on the last project says otherwise...." Remus mutters.

"Hey! That wasn't my fault. James wasn't paying attention and put two extra frog legs into our cauldron," Sirius explains. Remus nods his head and continues to flip through the textbook. "C'mon, Moony, it's Valentine's Day. You can take a bit of a break," Sirius says, "You're so smart anyway. I'm sure you can answer my little question and be just fine for the exam tomorrow."

Remus glances at Sirius for a second and then looks back at his book, "I don't get the luxury of taking a break, even if it's Valentine's Day. It's not like I have anyone to celebrate it with. I don't have a valentine. Also, it doesn't matter how smart you may be, you should always study your hardest."

Sirius mutters, "That's what I wanted to ask you about....being my valentine and spending today with me...."

"Why don't you just go ask one of your many adoring fans to hang out with you? I'm sure they would love to spend Valentine's Day with the ever so handsome Sirius Black," Remus says, not hearing Sirius's previous comment, "I need to figure out this potion..." Sirius sighs and slowly stands up. He makes his way to his room. Remus returns his entire focus to the textbook sitting on his lap. He doesn't get the chance to read for long, before the smell of chocolate distracts him. Sirius comes down the stairs with a box of chocolates in his hand. The sweet treats are in a classical heart shaped box. Sirius makes his way over to his studious friend with the box of chocalates. "Hey, Rem....want some chocolate?" Sirius questions, popping one of the small treats into his mouth. Remus eyes the chocolates and looks back at his textbook, which tells him the ingredients for another potion. He sighs and closes the book. He places it on the side table next to him. Sirius passes the box to Remus, who eats one of the chocolates right away. "Now that I have your attention....Remus....I was wondering if you would be my valentine." Sirius asks.

"W-what?" Remus asks, choking a little on the candy in his mouth.

"I want to know if you would be my valentine..." Sirius asks again.

"Me? Why, me?" Remus questions.

Sirius smiles, "Because, you're you. Remus, you're smart and clever and really good-looking, if I do say so myself."

"But, you have like a million girls fawning over you," Remus states.

Sirius scoffs, "That doesn't mean anything. I don't want to spend today with any of them. I want to spend it with you. Please, Moony, be my valentine..." Remus looks at Sirius with a skeptical gaze. He looks at his eyes and sees the sincerity playing through them. "You did get me chocolate," Remus sighs, "I guess my studying can wait. I guess I'll be your valentine, Sirius."

"Yes! C'mon, Rem. Let's go spend celebrate Valentine's Day!!!" Sirius exclaims. Remus rolls his eyes and smiles a little at Sirius's enthusiasm. The two walk out of the Gryffindor dorms and make their way outside.

Done! I hope that you liked this little one-shot. It's simple and sweet. Sirius and Remus are just amazing. Please comment, follow me, vote, and add this story to your library. One more Valentine's Day one-shot to go. I'll see you in the next one.

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