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Hi, ARMY! It's been a hot second since I wrote a BTS ship. I am finally back with a new one for you all that I am pretty sure came to my head about almost a year from now. It's crazy, but I've been really swamped with school and haven't had much time to write, but I am finally back and I am finally bringing this story to life. Surprisingly, unlike the last one, I somehow remember what I wanted to do with this fic. It may be because I wrote a detailed note or just cause I said it was inspired by this episode of Hawaii 5-0 that I watched when I was binging the show. But, it doesn't really matter, so let's just get into the fic...crap I forgot to mention that it is a Namkook one-shot. Okay, now let us get into the fic!

Namjoon's leg bounces up and down anxiously. His eyes flit back and forth as if he is watching a ping-pong match. He keeps shifting around on the tan couch he is sitting on. He bites his lower lip and wrings his hands together constantly, unable to sit still in the unfamiliar house decorated in the bland shade of beige. "Kim Namjoon-ssi," A cop with slicked black hair states from where he stands on the other side of the room, "Please relax. You are in a safe house. You have multiple armed officers standing ready to protect your life. Everything is going to be fine."

"There is an entire gang after my head, Officer Choi," Namjoon says in a shaky voice, "That's easier said than done..."

"I know it's all overwhelming," Officer Choi's partner, a shorter man with similarly combed hair says, "Trust me...with a job like this...everyday is stressful. But, it helps to take a deep breath and think about something else. Cheol and I have been doing this for a long time and we are willing to give our lives to keep you safe, Kim-ssi." Namjoon heeds the other's words and sucks in a mouthful of air. He holds it for a second before releasing it and visibly relaxing. He leans into the couch for the first time since he sat down and slowly lets his eyes fall shut. The room falls silent as no one moves or talks. For the first time since Namjoon was told he was to be under witness protection, he felt at peace.

That is until suddenly the loud sounds of several guns begin to echo from outside. Namjoon's eyes shoot open and he bolts up in fear. He glances at the officers with a panicked expression. "Get down," Officer Choi hisses, rushing over to his side and shoving him to the floor. Namjoon grits his teeth as his arms rub against the carpet, but doesn't dare make a sound to complain. He bends down into a crouching position and covers his ears. He begins to pray silently that nothing bad will happen to him or anyone else. "This is Officer Lee..." The shorter cop mutters into his communication device from where he is crouched next to the kitchen table, "Come in. What is the status outside the house?" The man's face contorts into a scowl and he glances to look at his partner. "Nothing?" Officer Choi questions.

Officer Lee shakes his head, "I'm going to check the window..."

"Be careful, Jihoon," Officer Choi replies in a harsh whisper.

"Worry about Namjoon-ssi," Officer Lee scoffs as he removes his gun from its holster, "He needs to be protected at all costs. He's the important one." Officer Choi makes a face at those words, but nods before moving closer to his charge. He also unholsters his weapon and covers Namjoon with his body. Officer Lee slowly creeps towards the window, remaining low to the ground to avoid being spotted. When he is close enough, he partially lifts to the blinds to peek outside. His eyes narrow as he surveys the mess outside before turning to look at his partner and Namjoon. Officer Lee huffs, "They found us. They're taken down our front. I don't know about the sides, but I wouldn't doubt they're down too considering how silent comms are..."

Namjoon slowly lifts his head and frowns, not liking this situation in the slightest. He glances over to the officers protecting him, hoping that they have a plan. He really doesn't want to die today. "You aren't going to die," Officer Choi huffs, reading Namjoon like an open book, "We told you we would protect you with our lives. We meant it." Namjoon stares at the two cops with an expression of disbelief, not knowing where they got this unfound courage from. He could never face adversity head on like these people do. He would flee at the drop of a hat. He can't help but feel grateful that he has these two men by his side. "Let's head out the back," Officer Lee says, "I didn't hear anything back there, so hopefully it's clear."

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