Role Model

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Hi readers! I am back with another one-shot for you all. It's another BTS one and it's platonic Namkook. Aww...I love these two. Their relationship is so sweet and I just love how much Jungkook looks up to Namjoon. So, that's what this one-shot is all about. If you couldn't tell from the title, it's about Jungkook seeing Namjoon as his role model. It's going to be heartwarming and sweet and basically a short fluff one-shot. I've been working on this one-shot for a very long time and that's because it's dedicated to one of my friends on ARA. She is one of my readers and someone who has always supported my work. I'm very thankful for it and I want her to know that I love her so very much. With that said, let's get into this one-shot.

(Side Note: This is one of the one-shots that I have moved from my Kpop one-shot book as I consider it to be a bromance story=a sub-category to romance stories. If you recognize it, it's because you may have already read it before. Please give it love in this book as well)

Namjoon has heard a lot of words used to describe him. He's read a lot of things that people have to say about him. Everyone almost always has an opinion on Namjoon. Something to say about the leader of the biggest boy group. Something to mention about the English speaking Korean rapper. Everyone has to put in their two cents. Namjoon is used to it. He's heard it all at this point.

He's been complemented.

And slandered.

And loved.

And hated.

And judged.

And praised.

He's heard a billion different things said about him. Whether they be positive or negative. He's come accustomed to the you're so smart or the you don't have the look of an idol. He's not surprised when people call him tall or when they criticize his English. It's not something new. He's been praised for his wise words and looked down upon for leaving the underground scene. Namjoon has read the comments saying leave the band and thank you for never giving up. He's become so used to it that he isn't fazed by it anymore. He's learned to ignore the insults and just say thank you for the compliments. He's learned to make do with all the things people have to say. Cause they always seem to have something to say. Namjoon isn't surprised by it anymore. He's a pro at the judgements of others. There is one thing that someone said to him that he can't seem to understand. One thing that has stuck with him. That thing was something said by the maknae of his group. Something that Jungkook would seem to say very often and at random times.

"Namjoon hyung is my role model," Jungkook had said.

"You're my inspiration," He had said another time.

"I look up to my Namjoon hyung," He would say.

Namjoon could never seem to help but smile when he heard things like that. Someone's attitude towards him has never made him so happy. So emotional. So confused. It didn't make much sense to Namjoon. How he could ever be a role model to Jungkook? Sure, he knows that Jungkook joined BigHit because he had found Namjoon cool. That didn't mean that he had to see him as his role model. A role model is someone who inspires you to do better. How could Namjoon ever inspire anyone? He hasn't done much. He hasn't done anything. How could he be a role model when he isn't even close to the definition of one? Namjoon is supposed to be smart, but he can't make sense of it. He's tried, but he doesn't see what Jungkook seems to see in him. He's just Kim Namjoon. He's not someone to look up to. He's really not anyone special.

Nonetheless, he's thankful for Jungkook's words. To be called a role model. It made his heart warm. It's not just a word that is thrown around. It means something. It carries weight. It bears a responsibility. One that Namjoon doesn't mind. He's had his own role models. He never expected to be one to someone else. Even if it doesn't add up. He's happy to be called a role model. Proud of the title given to him by the maknae.


Namjoon stands in the doorway of Jungkook's room. The maknae is lying on his bed, scrolling through his phone. Namjoon taps his knuckles against the wall, alerting the younger to his presence. Jungkook looks to Namjoon with questioning eyes as he sits up. "Hi, hyung," Jungkook says, "Do you need something?"

"I just wanted to come and say thank you," Namjoon says.

Jungkook's brow furrows, "Thank you? For what?"

"For calling me your role model," Namjoon answers right away.

"Why would you thank me for that?" Jungkook asks, "You know how much I look up to you, hyung."

"Yeah, I do, but I still want to say thank you," Namjoon says, "It's kind of hard to put it into words, but being called your role model means so much to me. I just really appreciate you calling me, out of all people in the world, your role model. I admit I don't understand why I would even be an option to be your role model, but I'm thankful to have that title. I feel honored to have it. Because, you have always looked at me with stars in your eyes. And, you have always supported all of my work. And...well...this is going to sound kinda self-centered, but you calling me your role model makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel proud of the person I've become. It makes me feel like I did something right. It means I did something that can push you to be better. It means that my life has meaning. It means that I was able to influence someone's life for the better. It means that the things I do aren't just silly or a waste of time. It means that I have a purpose in this world. It means that I do have something going for me. It means that I'm special to someone even if I don't feel that special myself. That's why I'm saying thank you. It's not every day that someone sees what I do and can be impressed by it. It means a lot to me that I'm your role model. I promise that I won't take that for granted. I'll be a good role model to you. I'll be someone you'll feel proud of looking up to."

"You're welcome...I guess. You really don't need to say thank you for such a thing," Jungkook says with a smile, "I don't get how you don't understand why you're such a good role model. The fact that you don't think you're good enough to be one shows me that you're made to be one. You're kind-hearted, hyung. You see the best in people and you treat them like they matter. You make people feel like they matter. You give people a voice. You can reach out to people and connect with them in a way no one else can. You love nature and art and animals. You wish to protect them all. You want to protect the whole world. And I can guarantee that you would if you had the ability to. How could someone like you not be a role model to others? You are an inspiration, hyung. I look up to you because you're cool and talented and smart and nice and a good person. I look up to you because you make me push myself to do the best I can. I look up to you because you're Kim Namjoon. And Kim Namjoon is amazing in every way possible. You're my role model, hyung. My first and last role model."

Namjoon smiles, his dimples peeking out, "I've been labeled many things, but none mean as much to me as being your role model."

That's all. It's not a super lengthy one-shot, but I think it captures the message I'm trying to bring. If you enjoyed this one-shot, please comment, vote, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my story Collision Course. Until the next one. Bye!

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