Never Alone

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Hi, today's one-shot isn't a romantic one, but rather a bromance family relationship story. I honestly do so many of these I should change the name of this book, but I have no idea what to call it. Let me know in the comments if you have another title for me. Anyway, this fic focuses on the brother relationship between Lee Yeon and Lee Rang from the Kdrama Tale of the Nine Tailed. I came up with this idea probably when I first watched the show and I am only starting to write it now. I'm honestly just happy to get this out before the second season comes out (yeah that didn't happen~5/26/23). Anyway, this is basically a complete AU rewrite of the story, in which we focus more on the brothers dynamic, which in my opinion was the best part of the show. It saved the show for me to be honest, but we're not here to listen to my opinion about this show. You're here to read my fic. And I hope that you enjoy it!

Yeon grits his teeth as he turns away from his younger brother. He slowly glances at his sword where red drips down the shining metal. His stomach churns at the sight and guilt eats at his chest. The sound of his blade slicing through flesh echoes through his ears. The sound of the blood. The sound of the body falling. His brother's flesh. His brother's blood. His brother's body. His brother. "H-hyung..." Rang stutters from behind him, "P-please..." Yeon squeezes his eyes shut and grips tightly to his sword as he feels his insides be torn apart by the begging of his brother. How could he have done this? Yes, Lee Rang has hurt many people, but he didn't know any better. He is a child that lost his mentor. If anything, it is his fault that the boy committed such a crime. And to think that he accepted the task to punish him when he did nothing wrong. And for what?! A girl. He's doing all of this for a girl. A girl he isn't sure is going to come back. He risked it all for a maybe, when his brother has been alive and waiting for his return.

Yeon has been so stupid. Yes, Aheum means a lot to him, but so does Rang. He can't give up on his brother. That little kid who would smile and laugh at the smallest of things. The child who would cry and whine when Yeon would take so long to come back. His beloved little brother. "Don't...don't l-leave," Rang coughs. Yeon's eyes rip open, glowing a warm orange. He quickly whirls around and rushes to his brother's side. He carefully lifts him from the ground before taking off at inhuman speed. He doesn't stop until he reaches the mountains where laughter had once echoed. As soon as he is there, he gently places Rang down against the rocks. The young half-gumiho whimpers slightly in pain. "I'm sorry, Rang-ah..." Yeon murmurs, "I messed up. This is all my fault..." His brows furrow in worry as he carefully removes Rang's hanbok to reveal the nasty cut stretching across his chest. He presses his eyes closed for a second, forcing his tears away. He sucks in a deep breath before reaching out to cup Rang's face. "I need to go get some medicine for you," Yeon murmurs, "I'll be right back."

"Hyung...don't..." Rang whispers non-coherently.

"I'm not leaving, Rang-ah," Yeon states, "I promise." With that said he rushes off, he moves quickly through the forest, gathering the remedies that have long since been used by his gumiho ancestors. He knows that with Rang's half-human DNA, it may not have the same effect, but he hopes that in this situation his fox self will take center stage. As soon as he has everything he needs, he comes zipping back to the rocky mountain clearing. "You came back..." Rang whispers in shock.

"I told you I would," Yeon states, "Don't move, Rang-ah..." Yeon presses his lips into a firm line as he reaches over to the small pond of water beside them. He cups his hand and gathers some of the liquid. He lets it fall over Rang's chest, brushing away the already drying blood and revealing the cut. Once most of the blood has been cleared, Yeon can clearly see the slice. He grimaces slightly, still feeling bad for being the cause of such a wound. "I'm so sorry," Yeon murmurs as he reaches beside him and grabs onto a green rope like plant. He places it in front of his mouth and blows on it. Orange essence flows out and wraps around the green filament. They curl and twist around one another before tightening. Yeon waves his hand simply and it floats over to Rang where it magically starts to eb its way across the wound like a stitch. When it has completely tied up the wound, the rope glows brightly. Yeon reaches to his side and scoops a greenish brown paste onto his fingertips. He rubs it along the wound and watches with bated breath as it starts to smoke and sizzle. Rang remains silent, not bothered by whatever magic healing his brother is doing. Soon enough the rope and the paste all fade away, leaving behind a bright pink scar and slightly blood stained skin. Yeon lets out a breath of relief before moving closer to his brother's side. He carefully pushes away the hair that is clinging to his face, "How do you feel?"

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