Love is a Charm

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Hello everyone! In honor of Young Justice Season 3 coming real soon, I decided to write another one-shot. This is for the ship between Nightwing and Zatanna. I love this ship and it's one of my favorite in the show. I decided to write out the conversation between Dick and Zee that led to Nightwing getting the charm for Artemis. Here we go! I hope that you all like it.

Zatanna's POV

I sigh as I rub my eyes. There's been so much trouble and Justice League business since a couple of the Leaguers left to stand trial. "This is what you get for joining the Justice League. You should've expected this much work," I mutter to myself. I make my way to my personal quarters on the Watchtower. I tap in the code to my room and wait for the door to slide open. When it does, I walk into the room and make my way to the bed. I lay down as gracefully as I can manage. I stare up at the ceiling for a minute before closing my eyes. It remains silent for a few minutes and I start to fall asleep. Suddenly, someone coughs and I sit up immediately. I look to the door and see Dick leaning against the doorframe. I look at him and blink a couple of times. He smiles and waves, "Hi, Zee."

I shake my head, "What are you doing here, Dick? How did you even get into my room?"

Dick shrugs, "I wanted to talk to you. It wasn't that hard, especially since you left the door open." I groan and hold my head in my hands. I haven't been getting a lot of rest lately. Seems like the exhaustion is finally catching up to me. Dick makes his way into my room and sits beside me. "When's the last time you got a good night's sleep?" He asks. I open my mouth and then close it, not knowing the answer. He sighs and begins to massage my shoulders. "You're really tense, Zee. You know when you told me that you were going to be joining the League, I didn't think that they would overwork you this much," Dick says.

I give him a small smile, "With a lot of the Leaguers off planet, it's been a tad bit hectic."

"You need to take care of yourself, Zee. I've never seen you this tired before," Dick says, moving his hands from my shoulders. I nod and lean my head against his arm. I haven't done that in a while. People are always surprised when they see how close Dick and I are, even after all that has happened. We were in a relationship of sorts. We still kind of are. It's hard to put a label on what we are. Friends seems to be the best one. Boyfriend and girlfriend just never really worked. Dick places his hand on my knee and pats it gently. "I worry about you, Zatanna. We haven't talked in a while. I know we're both busy, but we're still good friends," Dick says, looking at me.

I glance back at him and bite my lip, "Yeah. I've missed talking to you. I just have a lot more responsibilities now that I'm an official Leaguer. You have a lot on your plate as well, with leading the Team. You know we would be able to spend a lot more time together if you just join the League."

Dick laughs, "You know my answer hasn't changed, Zee. I'm happy where I am." I sigh, it was worth a shot. "Don't be so upset. We still spend time with one another. We'll still be friends," Dick says.

I nod, "I know. It's just...maybe if you joined we could be more than just friends."

Dick looks at me with wide eyes, "Zee...Zatanna...I..." I don't what is going through my head. The fact that I haven't been sleeping may be making me a tad bit delirious. I blame my exhaustion for all of the things I'm about to do. And say. I lift my head away from his shoulder and throw my arms around him. I give him a hug and bury my head into his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me back. "Do you want to be more than friends? We still could be....even if you're in the League and me the Team."

"I don't know. We've tried it. It didn't work out the way we thought it would," I say, "It doesn't stop the fact that you're someone important to me. Someone I really care about." Dick pulls away from our embrace and I let my arms fall to my sides. "Awwww....Zee. You know that you mean a lot to me too," Dick says. He moves his head to peck my cheek. I blush as he slowly moves his lips away from the side of my face. I give him a small smile, "Is there a reason you're here?"

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