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Hello, hello! How are you? I am back with a new one-shot for you. And it is a new ship! An anime ship to be specific. I don't do a lot of anime themed ships, I can't even remember if I even wrote one. Anyway, this one-shot came to be after I watched the ever popular Haikyuu and let me tell you I fell in love. I understand why it has such a big following and it is such a simple, yet fun world that I just had to make complicated with this fic. So, I am mashing worlds a bit with this one-shot to bring you a Kagehina story that's set in the world of Color Rush. If you don't know what that is, I will explain more in the story, but to give you some basic background, it's basically a Korean web novel that was developed into a short little series. It follows these two high school boys who live in this world of Monos and Probes and focuses on their relationship with one another. I love the show and I think you should totally check it out if you haven't yet. To any of my readers who are familiar with it, I think that you'll really enjoy this fic and my next one-shot. For this one-shot though, we are following the events of the anime with a few tweeks to time and events for pacing purposes. Okay, with all that out of the way, I'm going to stop going on and on, so let's get into the story.

Most of the population can see colors. A few can only view certain shades and often confuse one color for another. But, they still are able to identify what they are. They still can see greens and reds, even if they aren't actually that color. Kageyama Tobio can't. He can't identify a single color. He's never seen color. He's only ever lived in a world made up of grays, whites, and blacks. Kageyama Tobio is what doctors have identified as a Mono, the select few people who are unable to view any color. This symptom persists until they meet their Probe, a color-seeing individual who can trigger a specific Mono's ability to see color. The problem is that the change is only momentary. And seeing something for the first time, only to have it stripped away, is painful to say the least. That is why when Monos meet their Probe, it is best for the Probe to run away. There are stories upon stories about how Monos will kidnap their Probe because they want to see color. News reports about murder and cannibalism. All detailing the heinous crimes Monos are willing to commit just to keep their Probe close. It is for that reason that society fears the Monos. It is for that reason that Monos hide their identities, pretending that they are normal.

That is how it is for Kageyama Tobio. He has always been been quiet, so he didn't have much trouble hiding the fact that he is a Mono. It helped that he didn't care much about not seeing color. There was no part of him that yearned to one day meet his Probe. No part of him that feared going crazy once the colors of the world reached him. He didn't want it. Color is just a waste of time. He didn't need it to get by. He didn't need it to play volleyball. And that's the only thing that matters the most to him.

Yet, he continued to hide the fact that he is a Mono, out of fear over how it would affect his life as a player. He knew that people would focus more on the fact that he was a Mono over anything else. There wouldn't be talks about him being the best setter Japan has ever seen. There would be articles, discussion posts, full-blown analysis videos criticizing his every move. Trying to find out when he would break and who would be the unlucky sucker that got stuck as his Probe.

His decision to hide was reinforced when someone he thought he could trust revealed the truth to the rest of his middle school team. The looks on their faces were enough to send Kageyama spiraling, but he did his best to remain calm. After all, it was in the middle of a game and he needed to stay focused. The problem was that the rest of his team wasn't and when it came time for him to set the ball, none of his teammates were there. They feared the set from the Mono. They shunned it. Not because it was a bad set. Not because he was a bit of a control freak on the court. But, because they were afraid of what he may do. Kageyama knew then that no one must ever find out the truth about who he is. Or else he would never become a volleyball player. And that would be a nightmare come to life.

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