Hopeful Setup

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Hello lovelies! We are back with another one-shot! The next few romance one-shots are going to be kpop themed. Sorry, for my non-kpop fans. I promise that you'll get a different ship soon enough. So, surprisingly this ship isn't Minjoon. Well, not entirely Minjoon. It is going to be a ship in the story, but not the main one. It's the side ship and the main ship will be Sope. I love Sope and this was sort of recommended by someone on ARMY's Amino. They asked if I could write a Sope one-shot and I was more than happy to oblige. And honestly, it wouldn't be a one-shot written by me if we didn't include some Minjoon. With that said, let's get into it!

"Remind me why we're spying on them..." Namjoon asks from beside Jimin.

Jimin scoffs, "Because we're good friends...duh."

"Um...good friends don't spy on each other's dates," Namjoon states.

Jimin shrugs, "They do when they were the ones to set them up on the date. Now stop complaining and watch them." Namjoon snaps his mouth shut and focuses on the table across from his and Jimin's. His best friend, Yoongi, sits at the table with a scowl across his face. Sitting across from Yoongi is Jimin's best friend, Hoseok, who has a wide smile on his face. Namjoon winces, sensing his friend's discomfort. This wasn't going to end well. "Maybe, setting Hoseok and Yoongi up with one another wasn't the best of ideas..." Namjoon mutters.

"What are you talking about?" Jimin questions, "Look! They're having a great time!" Namjoon looks over at the table warily. Hoseok still has a huge smile on his face and he seems to be talking a mile a minute. Yoongi looks like he's losing his mind and is seconds away from punching a wall. Or punching someone. "You and I have different definitions of a great time..." Namjoon mutters.

"Okay...so maybe they aren't clicking right away. Not everyone can go through love at first sight!" Jimin says, "But, I'm sure they'll connect over something..." Namjoon frowns and looks back at the failing setup date. He shakes his head before turning to look at Jimin. "I highly doubt that, Jiminie," Namjoon states.

"What makes you say that?" Jimin asks with a pout. Namjoon discreetly gestures to the table. Yoongi is politely excusing himself and making his way to the front of the restaurant in a haste. "No!" Jimin exclaims, "He can't be leaving! The date just started!"

"Calm down," Namjoon says, "He isn't leaving yet." Yoongi stops near the front of the door and pulls out his phone. "Is he texting someone while on a date!" Jimin shrieks.

"No," Namjoon states, taking out his vibrating phone, "He's calling someone."

"That's worse!" Jimin groans. Namjoon rolls his eyes, before pressing the answer button and holding the phone to his ear. "Hello, Yoongi..." Namjoon states. Jimin's eyes widen as he realizes what's going on. He instantly slides to Namjoon's side, pressing his body against his. Namjoon sighs and nods his head, "Give him a chance, Gi. You've been on the date for what? Three minutes? I'm sure it's not that bad." Jimin presses closer and puts his chin on Namjoon's shoulder. He leans his ear against Namjoon's phone and smiles when he is able to make out the muffled voice

"You're right, it's worse!" Yoongi exclaims through the phone, "He just won't stop talking! We're so different. I don't understand why you thought setting me up with him would be a good idea!"

"Don't be such a drama queen. You barely know him. Give him a chance," Namjoon states, "He's Jimin's friend. Jimin thought you two would fit. Sort of like him and you do. Hoseok is apparently pretty similar to Jimin. And you love Jimin."

"No, you love Jimin," Yoongi deadpans, "And I guarantee you that Hoseok is nothing like Jimin. Stop making things up to get me to stick around." Namjoon flushes and Jimin's eyes widen. The younger tries to pretend that he didn't hear what Yoongi had said, but a small smile does appear on his face. "C'mon, hyung. Just stick around a bit longer. I'm sure you won't regret it," Namjoon pleads. Jimin nods his head, making hand gestures to tell Namjoon to say more. "Hoseok is a good guy. I'm sure the two of you would make a great couple," Namjoon states.

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