Run Towards Danger

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Hello everyone. I am back with a new one-shot. I have been writing this one-shot forever! It is super long and lots of things happened that made the writing process a lot longer than I expected. I started it while I was on winter break and now I'm back in school. I expected to finish it beforehand, but then I got sick. But, it's finally here, so it's all good. I don't have a new ship, but instead I have a favorite of mine...Jicheol! It is a very lengthy fic and I considered making it like either a series or multiple one-shots, but I decided to just make it a super long fic. I also came up with this idea over a year ago, so I don't really remember where it came from, but I still love the idea when I came across it in my notes. This time my notes were also a lot more detailed so hopefully this fic will make more sense. With that said, let's get straight into the story!

"Hey, Choi!" A man in a white button down and a dark blue tie calls out. Seungcheol's gaze remains locked on his computer screen, ignoring his coworker, who he doesn't even know the name of. "Choi? Did you hear me?" The man questions, leaning over Seungcheol's cubicle and waving a hand in front of his face. Seungcheol huffs and flashes his coworker an annoyed side eye. The man perks up instantly though, a shit eating grin appearing on his face. "Somin has a question for you..." His coworker states.

"Who?" Seungcheol mutters as he taps on his keyboard monotonously.

"The new PR girl," His coworker states, "She came from the SVT Performing Arts Center." Seungcheol's shoulders stiffen and his lips press into a firm line. He keeps his eyes locked on his computer screen and hits at the keys with a bit more gusto. "Come on..." His coworker says, looking behind him to a girl dressed in a sweater vest with her hair tied together in a messy bun. The girl, Somin, awkwardly shuffles up to Seungcheol's desk. She fiddles with her fingers nervously before quietly asking, "Are you S.Coups?" Seungcheol pauses his typing for a second without even really meaning to. His eyes flick to look up at Somin before quickly darting back to his screen. He starts typing again. "What the frick is an S.Coups?" His coworker asks in a joking tone.

"It's a stage name," Somin responds, "For a danger act performer at the center...he used to work with all kinds of weapons. You know...throwing knives, arrow tricks, flaming swords and whips..."

"You think Choi used to be a danger act," The coworker snorts, "This man here is the most boring human I know."

Somin shakes her head, "I'm sure it's him. I would always see him. He had weekly shows. He would always sell out. He was so popular...and then...well..." Seungcheol frowns as images of that night flash through his head. The glint of his blade. The hum of the air conditioning. The bated breath of the audience. The sound of the knife as it hit. The scream. Red. Red. So much red. "Well what?" The coworker questions, snapping Seungcheol from his thoughts.

"I don't really think it's my place to say," Somin murmurs.

"I still don't believe Choi is this S.Coups dude..." The coworker scoffs.

Somin frowns, "Just search it up then."

"I will," The coworker says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Seungcheol lets out a breath and discreetly glances to the side. A part of him wants to grab the phone and destroy it and another just prays that he doesn't find what he's looking for. As soon as he hears cheers though, he knows it's too late. " really is you!" His coworker says, nudging him. Seungcheol's nose scrunches in distaste and he adjusts his seat, shifting ever so slightly away. He tries his best to ignore the sounds of his own voice coming from his coworker's phone. "'re playing with fire...literally!" His coworker exclaims, "Who would've thought that you were a performer!" Seungcheol can't do anything as his coworker calmly taps away at his screen. "Your assistant is a looker...considering he's a dude...wonder what his name is..." His coworker comments as he changes the video. Seungcheol's frown deepens and he feels his insides churn. He does his best to force air in and out of his lungs as the sweet chimes of his friend's voice reaches his ears. "Angel Han," The coworker chuckles, "Cheesy as hell, but at least it's accurate. Man does look like an Angel..." Seungcheol stops typing and turns to grab his water bottle. He slowly sips at it, eyeing Somin, who has a sheepish expression on her face. The newbie avoids Seungcheol's gaze. "Your name on the other hand makes zero sense, Choi," His coworker says as he stops the video. Seungcheol hopes then that he will pocket his phone and walk off, but instead he continues to browse the internet. He can see it all now. The first pictures that pop up. The description of who he is and what he does. And the articles. So many articles. " were popular...why did you quit?" The coworker muses as he scrolls before falling completely quiet and muttering, "Oh...oh shit..." Seungcheol starts to type once more, hitting the keys loudly, a noise that echoes in the already loud office space. He tries his best to keep his face neutral as he feels like everyone is staring at him even though only one truly is. " killed Angel Han," His coworker states.

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