You've made my life

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Hi! I am back with another one-shot. It's been a hot second. I've been so busy with school and have had no time to write. I have been writing this in little bursts whenever I get a spare second, which isn't often. But, it is finally here. It is another new ship. I am doing those a lot lately, which is really fun for me and hopefully enjoyable for all of you as well. This one is a ship from the Kdrama King's Eternal Monarch. And no, it is not the main ship, it is Lee Gon and Jo Yeong because let's be honest, their relationship was so much more compelling to me than the one between Taeeul and Gon. There were just too many what ifs in the actual canon relationship and I am a sucker for brotherly bonds in Kdramas. Like these two have got me swooning and balling all at once. And that's what I hope to do with this one-shot. It is going to take place after the events of the Kdrama, but take a turn from there. I won't say anything else, so I hope that you enjoy the fic!

Yeong sits at his desk, working through an extremely tall stack of paperwork on his desk. He had taken the weekend off, at the request of his still together parents and new siblings, something that he still is having trouble getting used to. Regardless of all the changes, it was still better than the craziness caused by Lee Gon's uncle. Things have been more peaceful since they took him down. No crazy deaths or disappearing people. Everything is just better now. Well, except for the part where Gon leaves for extended periods of time. First, it was to find Eun Taeeul and then it's to spend time with her after he found his self-proclaimed Queen. It was annoying. Cause Yeong would always have to rush around the palace searching for the King or make up lies to tell Lady Noh. Not cause it bothered him or anything. Why would it? Gon is happy and in love. Why wouldn't Yeong want that?

"Ugh..." Yeong huffs as he leans back in his seat and rubs at his temples. He can't do this. Usually, he can keep his composure. Usually, he never lets his emotions get the better of him. But, for whatever reason, he can't get Gon's face out of his head today. Honestly, Gon is always a constant thought in the back of his head. Taking up a huge chunk of his heart. A big part of his entire being. It belonged to the King. The King who doesn't see him as anything more than the captain of his guard. The King who used to be his best friend, but now feels like a distant stranger. But, even as Gon puts all of his focus into Taeeul, Yeong can't stop putting his all into his crush. No matter what. His feelings have never wavered. If anything they have just gotten stronger with every passing day. And Gon, he's been getting nothing but denser every day. It upsets him, not that he would ever show it. Not that he would ever voice that feeling. It's something that he knows will have to live and die with him. Cause Gon already has his Queen. Gon already has love and a future. Gon has everything that Yeong wished they could have together. Gon doesn't know how he feels. And it's going to stay that way.

"Captain!" A guard exclaims as he bursts into Yeong's private office space.

"What is it?" Yeong questions calmly.

"It's his Majesty," The guard breathes heavily, "He's gone missing."

Yeong groans instantly, "Not again..." He pushes himself from his seat and grabs his coat. He slips it over himself as he walks, the guard slowly trailing behind him. "Where was he last seen?" Yeong asks in a stiff tone as he walks down the hall.

"In the kitchens, sir," The guard answers.

"Hm," Yeong responds, "Tell the guards to search the entire palace. Check every room. The King's quarters, the study, the treasury..."

"Yes, sir," The guard states, stopping and bowing before taking off down the other hall. Yeong doesn't spare him a second glance as he keeps moving forward. He isn't worried. He knows where Gon is. It's where he always is. And it's in an entirely different direction from where he sent the rest of the King's guard. It's okay. Yeong can handle a lovesick King trying to visit his lady love in a different universe. At least, he hopes he can. Yeong sighs as he bursts out of the palace and enters the stables where a middle aged man is combing through the hair of one of the horses. "Captain!" The man exclaims.

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