Every Demon Has Its Horns

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Hi! I am here with a new one-shot. I am back now with a story that has started from a prompt given by ARMY's Amino for their Fantasy World Challenge. If you didn't already know, I am a sucker for a good fantasy and I love world building. It's just so much fun and that's the type of story I am bringing you today. It is a platonic Vmin fic, but honestly it can be anything that you want it to be. It can be a ship fic if you would like, but I will leave that up to you and your own interpretation. Anyway, I am not going to say anything about this story and just let you enjoy it as you read.

"Have fun, Halmeoni," Jimin says as soon as he helps his grandmother find a seat.

"Where are you going, Jimin-ah?" Halmeoni questions, "It's the annual town festival!"

"You can't leave, child," One of his grandmother's friends exclaims, "It is the town's biggest event of the year!"

"There will be games and singing and the night will end with tales of the demons who once walked these lands!" Another of Halmeoni's friends says with a warm smile on her face. Jimin forces himself to keep the phony smile on his face as the entire table of older women stare at him expectantly. This happens every year. The festival rolls around. Jimin doesn't want to go and is forced to stay. They do the exact same thing as last year. Childish games that he has long since grown out of. Horrible karaoke that makes him go partially deaf. And, of course, the highlight of their small little town on this small little island that Jimin calls home. The demon stories. The tales of hellions who used to hold evil rituals upon this ground. Stories so ridiculous that the only purpose they have is to act as a tourist trap for unsuspecting visitors.

Jimin refuses to sit through it again. For just once, he would like to spend the day on his own accord. Is that too much to ask? "I'm just going to go get something and I'll come right back," Jimin says, hating the fact that he has to lie to have some time to himself.

Halmeoni looks at him with narrowed eyes, "You better not run off!"

"Where would I even go?" Jimin murmurs as he nods his head. Halmeoni gently pats his head and presses a soft kiss to his cheek before gesturing for him to go. Jimin lets out a discreet breath of relief after being granted permission to leave. He curtly bows in respect to the other older woman gathered at the table before jogging away from the center of town where the festival is being held.

As he moves away, the sound of music pounding from speakers gathered in the square slowly begins to become quieter. The entire town is at the festival, so the rest of the streets are quiet as Jimin walks down them. The only sounds come from the birds arcing through the sky and the soothing noise of the waves crashing against the rocks. Jimin takes in a deep breath as he makes his way down the desolate road, a soft smile tugging at his lips as all the weight lifts from his shoulders. He knows that this moment of bliss is only momentary, but he will enjoy it while he can. Before long, he will have to return to the land of tense expectations and rigid town standards.

As Jimin walks, he observes the familiar sights with a nonchalant expression. To most, the view of the small town built on the beach filled island would be like a dream. But to Jimin, who calls it home, he is no longer shocked by the shimmery water that reflects the giant sun in the middle of the sky. Jimin continues to walk, leaving behind the craziness that is the town's festival and enveloping himself in nothing but peace and good vibes.

The feeling lasts for a while, but is suddenly ripped from his as a loud thud followed by a deep groaning reaches his ears. Jimin's head swings to the source of the sound and his eyes widen when he realizes it's coming from the cliff overlooking the ocean. His legs start moving before he can even think. There have been incidents before near this area. Situations where the young children would want to jump off of it like the high schoolers did. Jimin will not confirm or deny if he was one of those students. There were also times where tourists would dare one another to leap only to lead to serious injury. It's not a place to goof around at. Even for those who call the island home. As Jimin tears through the small wood leading up to the cliff, he prays silently that no one has gotten hurt. His feet slap against fallen branches and his clothes brush by leaves as he darts through the trees.

One-Shot Book ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon