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Hello! Today I have a not so romantic romance one-shot for you all. It's not really romance, but it'll have a lot of family feels. I recently finished Mystic Pop-Up Bar on Netflix and I absolutely loved it. One part that stood out for me was the family aspect they included with the three main characters. I just couldn't help writing a one-shot about it. This one-shot will include spoilers of what happens at the end of the show. If you don't wish to be spoiled, watch the show first and come back. But, if you don't care please go right ahead and read this one-shot. I hope that you enjoy it. Let's get into it.

Don't go!!!

Don't go, eomma!

Kangbae sits up with a gasp. The image of Weol-joo's hand slipping from his, echoing in his mind. He sighs and rubs at his eyes. Every night he is graced by that horrible dream. Kangbae holds Weol-joo's hand in an attempt to save her from tumbling down the spiral stairway. In the end, he can't do anything as she lets go and falls into the darkness. It's been weeks since it happened, but it still plays in his mind like a movie every time he sleeps. Kangbae shakes his head and reaches for his phone. He checks the time and starts to slowly get up from bed. Another day, another lonely day. Kangbae didn't have it bad. He truly didn't. After Weol-joo and Chief Gwi's sacrifice, his ability disappeared. He could now brush by people without having to worry about them spilling their secrets to him. It's what he's always wanted, but now he would accept having it back in a heartbeat. As long as Weol-joo and Chief Gwi would come back to him. He knew that they would be gone. They were preparing him for it. They would leave the second they had reached their quota. Kangbae knew all of this, but it didn't change how he feels now. The pain of losing the two people that made him feel not so alone was one thing. But, coupled with the fact that those people were his parents, added this whole other wave of hurt. Kangbae didn't know what to think when the memories of his past lives came back to him. But, the more he thought about it, it made sense to him. He had gotten extremely attached to the two even though they were only together for a month. It was as if his soul was pulling him towards the two of them. Almost as saying, these two are the ones that will protect you. They're your parents. Your family. And now...that family is gone. Kangbae is once again alone. Kangbae walks over to his fridge where the yellow note from Weol-joo is still hanging. He opens the fridge to look at the containers of food sitting inside. He couldn't bring himself to eat it. His mother's final meal for him. If he ate it, it would make the fact that she's gone feel so much more real. Kangbae closes it and shakes his head, trying to keep the wave of emotions from crashing on him. He turns back around and starts to get ready for work. As he does, he thinks about the dream that Weol-joo made for him. One of her other final gifts. It was a beautiful dream. A splendid little picture of what could have been. It was that type of dream you never want to wake up from. Kangbae lets out a shaky breath and wipes at his eyes, tears starting to build up. He can't start crying again. Yeonrin would freak out if she sees him with red-rimmed eyes for the third day in a row. He needs to be strong. That's what his parents would want. "For them," Kangbae murmurs as he slips his jacket on and his bag before leaving his apartment.


He walks with his head tilted down and a blank expression on his face. His head is still spinning. As strong as he tries to be, it just doesn't seem to work out. He's not the type of person to push aside his emotions. Maybe, that's why he feels like there's a gaping hole in his chest. It's a wonder how Weol-joo was able to survive 500 years without her child. Kangbae is struggling so much and it's only been a little over a month. Great. Now, he's thinking about the woman. Kangbae bites his lower lip in an attempt to keep the tears from flowing down his cheeks. He starts to walk a bit faster, trying to get to work. At least then, he can focus on his job and nothing else. Soon enough, he comes to a stop in the area where the Mystic Pop-Up Bar once stood. Kangbae can imagine it now. So vividly. The red tent and the fancy sign saying what the dish of the day is. Inside would be Weol-joo and Chief Gwi. The woman bossing around the manager, who would be cutting onions with a tune on his lips. Kangbae can see it all now. Almost as if the Mystic Pop-Up Bar is right in front of him. He stares at it for another second before letting his eyes fall shut. It's only a figment of his imagination. It's not there. It hasn't been there for a long time now. Kangbae slowly opens his eyes again and frowns when the image is still in front of him. His chest swells for a second with hope. Is it real? Is it actually here? No. No, he can't get his hopes up. Kangbae reaches his hands up to rub at his eyes, trying to get rid of the stupid pipe dream of his. When he lowers his arms, the bar is still there. Kangbae stills for a second, just staring at it. Expecting it to fade. When it doesn't, he starts running. He yanks the door open and peeks inside. He lets out a shaky break as he enters the pop-up bar. Standing behind the counter are two people. One dressed in a traditional Korean outfit and the other in a suit. The two don't seem to notice Kangbae's prescience. The young man is speechless, not knowing what to say or think. He wonders for a second if this is a dream. If he's still sleeping in his apartment and not actually in the Mystic Pop-Up Bar. His heart yearns for it to be real. It calls for his parents. His eomma and appa. There's only one way to see if it is or not. "Ms. Weol-joo...Gwibangjang..." Kangbae says in a shaky voice. He wants to call out to his parents, but he feels like it isn't right. They never really established what they were. If they are actually here, they can figure out whatever they are after that. The two slowly turn to look at Kangbae, flashing the young man identical smiles. Kangbae looks back at them with a shaky grin, "I'm here..."

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