Imperfect Fit

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Hi. I am back with what I am pretty sure is going to be my last one-shot for a while. School is starting up again and I doubt that I will have much time to write for fun. I will try my best though because if this summer has taught me anything, it is that I really do enjoy writing and I want to continue even if I am super busy. I make no promises though, so I hope you will just enjoy this one-shot until my next one comes. This one is also a ship that I haven't written before but am super excited to. It is Minkey! This is the pairing between Key and Minho from Shinee! And let me just say I absolutely adore the dynamic these two have. It's freaking hilarious and I live for Minkey interactions in any shape or form. They remind me so much of a married couple and that got my mind turning. So for this fic, I bring you a fic full of bickering but also heart-warming gush.

If you had told Kim Kibum in high school that he would end up dating Lee Minho, he would have died laughing. And yet here he is, nearly ten years later, in a relationship with his complete opposite. To this very day, Kibum isn't sure how he got here. Living in the same apartment, sleeping in the same bed, dating for a little over two years now. It's crazy and yet Kibum is happy. He's happy with Minho, the man who for some reason he loves.

They're still the same people. They haven't changed as they got older, except maybe maturing slightly. They didn't change themselves when they started dating either. They still were the same people they've always been and for that reason, they still have their differences. Many, many, many differences. And while in the past, those differences made it difficult to get along, now they were something that they weren't as bothered by. Even though they had little in common, they still had found a way to make things work between them. Cause that's just what you do when you love someone. You understand how you're different. You accept it. And you learn how to make do with it even if you don't want to. And somehow, Kibum and Minho were able to do this.

When they had first started dating, they had laid out some ground rules. Little things that changed and went away as time went on. But, the one rule that stayed was that their relationship had to remain a secret. It was Kibum's rule. One that he has been firm about to this very day. Minho had been hesitant to accept it, not wanting to hide, but ultimately went along with it because Kibum asked him too. It has been over two years since they have started dating and no one has a clue that they are together. Not their friends. Not their families. Absolutely no one.

While some may have found keeping such a secret difficult, it was easy for Kibum and Minho. After all, they acted like they always do. They still constantly bickered about the silliest of things. They took forever to agree on something and that's if they can even come to an agreement in the first place. Their friends and family never suspected a thing. Even when they thought they were being super obvious, such as when they first moved in together, their friends had believed their lie about wanting to save money. They didn't know then if they were just good at hiding or their friends were really dense.

The only time that they had truly thought that they had been caught is when their friends noticed the way they seemed to take care of one another. One day, when Kibum was feeling a bit under the weather, they were having a get together with their friends. Minho had tried to get his boyfriend to stay home, but Kibum had insisted on coming, claiming that he just had a mild headache. When he got there though, he couldn't deny the exhaustion tugging at his limbs. Minho had noticed instantly and had stuck by Kibum's side. He offered his shoulder for him to lean on and willingly gave his boyfriend anything he asked for. Their friends were stunned as Minho would always argue with Kibum whenever he would boss him around. They were even more surprised when the two seemed to communicate without even making a sound. Kibum had pushed Minho away, knowing that his lover hadn't eaten out of worry for his well-being. That action was more than enough to get the charismatic man to start taking care of himself as well. When their friends questioned them about it, they panicked instantly, but their friends had just joked about it and found it amusing. They compared them to an old married couple, without even knowing that they were a couple at all, constantly arguing but always understanding what the other needs.

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