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Hello! This is part two of Forget. If you didn't check out the previous one-shot you should. Or else this one-shot probably won't make much sense. Also, has anyone realized I have a thing for writing stories where people lose their memories? This takes place a few months after the previous one-shot.

Caitlin's POV

It's been a few months since Barry has woken from his coma. Things haven't been the same since. He doesn't remember our relationship. He sees me as only a friend. To top it all off, he's pining for Iris, again. I sit in the cortex typing on the computer. Cisco is in the other room playing with some new contraption. Suddenly, there is a breeze of wind and Barry arrives. I glance at him as he enter and he gives me a small smile. My heart skips a beat. Every time he comes, I expect some miracle to have happened and he suddenly remembers everything. But after a while, I've started to give up on that hope. It's still there, but I push it back. He doesn't remember, he probably won't ever remember. A few weeks ago, Hannibal Bates got into Star Labs. He took Barry's appearance and then he kissed me. I thought that Barry had finally remembered. It was amazing, a million thoughts about our wedding and our future together flooded my brain. And then it all shattered. I looked into his eyes and knew it wasn't him. It wasn't Barry. No matter how much I wished it was, it wasn't the man I love. "Hey, Caitlin. How's Central City doing?" Barry asks.

"Pretty good. Doesn't seem like anyone is in any trouble or that any metas are going to attack for the rest of the night," I reply pushing down the waves of sadness.

"Great," Barry says with a grin. He immediately speed changes into his suit. "Where are you going? Why are you in my suit? There isn't any metas....right...." Cisco says as he enters the cortex.

"When is going to become my suit? Or can we least agree on it being our suit..." Barry states, "And there aren't any metas, I'm just going to go talk to Iris."

"Oh, you're still talking to her as the Flash?" I ask.

"Yeah, my man's doing anything he can to get the girl," Cisco calls out. I glare at him. I know that he's just acting, but it still hurts to hear those words. Cisco notices my upset face and mouths something, I don't actually mean it, I'm just saying those things, sorry Caitlin. I sigh and shake my head. Barry doesn't notice the words Cisco mouths to me and states, "Yeah. I mean Joe said I couldn't tell her I was the Flash. He never said anything about talking to her as the Flash. I think I'm really connecting to her. I may stand a chance against Eddie."

I roll my eyes, "You shouldn't be doing this Barry. It isn't right. Iris is happy with Eddie. Plus, she doesn't even know that it's you. She's been talking to the Flash. Not Barry Allen."

"I know that, Cait. But, it'll be fine. You'll see, I'll get Iris eventually," Barry says in a confident tone, "Even if I have to wait for her." With those words, Barry zooms out of the cortex. I sigh and let my hands cover my face. I groan, "Can this get any worse!? I think I'm losing my mind, Cisco. I can't keep on pretending that he doesn't mean the world to me."

Cisco sighs, "Caitlin. Barry will remember. You'll see. The two of you are the most amazing couple I've ever met. If anyone can get over something like this, it's you and Barry. Snowbarry is endgame after all..."

"You and your silly ship names," I say with a small smile, "Thanks for giving me a bit of hope. Even though, I don't know if your words are actually going to be true or not."

"Trust me, Cait. Things will work out. You should head home soon. It's getting late," Cisco says.

I sigh, "Yeah. I may turn in a bit early tonight." I didn't really want to go back to my empty apartment. It hasn't been the same since Barry lost his memories. It used to be our apartment. "Alright, well. I'm going home too. Have a goodnight Caitlin," Cisco says as he makes his way out of the cortex.

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