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I have another Jicheol one-shot to share with you all. This one is also super angsty, but it has more of a happier ending compared to the last one. It also isn't very shippy or romancy, Jihoon and Seungcheol are like rarely even depicted side by side in the entire story. I promise you though that it will still have enough of that Jicheol greatness. This one-shot is loosely inspired by the movie The Next Three Days and if you don't know what that movie is or what it's about, I won't tell you cause it's going to somewhat spoil my oneshot. You'll just have to read my one-shot or watch the movie to find out. That being said, let's get into the story.

Jihoon groans as the sun hits him right in the eyes. He twists in his bed, his legs curling around the blankets. He turns his head to look at the alarm clock sitting on his bedside table and sighs when he sees the time. He slowly sits up and untangles his body from the blankets. He starts to get up, but is stopped when a large arm curls around his waist. "Hoonie..." Seungcheol grumbles, "Don't go..." He tugs Jihoon a bit, trying to get him to lay back down. Jihoon sighs and shakes his head. He twists around to comb through his boyfriend's messy hair and place a quick peck to his forehead. "You need to get up too," Jihoon says, "You have work in an hour."

"I can just call in sick," Seungcheol hums, his eyes still shut, "You don't have a schedule today. We can hang out at home all day."

"As nice as that sounds...I can't just steal away one of the city's finest cops," Jihoon says, patting at Seungcheol's arm and peeling it off of him. Seungcheol groans again as Jihoon stands up and he turns in bed. "You're no fun," Seungcheol huffs.

"Nope," Jihoon says, "I'm not, but you love me anyway."

"Yeah...I do," Seungcheol murmurs.

"Love me enough to get out of bed?" Jihoon questions.

"Maybe in a couple minutes..." Seungcheol says. Jihoon rolls his eyes, but leaves his boyfriend to snooze for a bit longer. He grabs his phone from on top of his dresser and a set of clothes before going into the bathroom to clean up. As he enters, he flicks the light on and stares at his reflection in the mirror. Jihoon yawns a bit and stretches before massaging at his cheeks. He reaches for his toothbrush when his phone buzzes. Jihoon glances at it for a second before deciding to ignore it. He continues with his daily routine, but his phone doesn't stop buzzing. He sighs as he runs his hands through his tousled hair and picking up his phone. He unlocks it and checks his messages. His eyebrows raise when he sees the amount of texts he has received from people. He clicks on Soonyoung's contact and frowns when he reads the single message from his friend. Check the news. Jihoon does as his friend says, going online and looking at the top story of the day. He sighs as his screen slowly loads, the bar creeping forward. When the link finally loads, he is met with a headline in bold letters. Jihoon reads it and his shoulders immediately tense. He stumbles back a bit and covers his mouth with his hand. Actor Yoon Jeonghan Dead, Police Believe Killer to be Singer-Songwriter Woozi. Jihoon lets out a shaky breath and his eyes flit back and forth anxiously. Jeonghan is dead. His friend is dead. And he's being blamed for it. This isn't good. This really isn't good. He quickly reaches for the bathroom door and shuts it, locking it and leaning his entire body against the door. He slowly slides to the floor and grips onto his phone. His hands shake a bit as he clicks on Soonyoung's contact and hits the green call button. He brings the phone to his ear and waits for his friend to pick up. Thankfully, he doesn't have to wait long. "Oh, my, gosh!" Soonyoung exclaims, "Have you seen it?"

"Y-yeah..." Jihoon stutters.

"You didn't do it, right?" Soonyoung questions.

Jihoon scoffs, "Did you really just ask me that?"

"I just needed to make sure!" Soonyoung says, "I didn't think you actually did it, but that video..."

"Video?" Jihoon asks.

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