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Hello! I am back with another new ship. As I said in my previous one-shot, this one is going to be centered around the show Color Rush. I will once again plug this BL Kdrama and recommend that you go check it out. It's not long and it's a really enjoyable watch. I recently rewatched the entire series and watched the new season as well. I won't get into my whole rant about Yoohan not being in S2, but let's just say that I missed him a lot and the show wasn't the same without him. Anyway, this one-shot isn't one of those rewrites of season 2. I actually came up with this idea when I was first watching this show and starting reading the web novel. For anyone who is curious, I did not finish the full story cause there are no translations, so any fans of the web novel, please don't come at me for any inaccuracies. And same goes with anyone who watched the show. I change a lot in this fic for pacing purposes and such. Also, I am going to be talking about prosopagnosia in the way the show does. I know it is a very complicated issue and from what I remember about it, the show doesn't express it correctly, but for the sake of this fic I am going off of what they have created. I apologize if this offends anyone. It is not my intention. Please take my changes with a grain of salt and just enjoy the fic for what it is. While I'm not redoing the second season, I am going to sort of rewrite the first season from the perspective of Go Yoohan. It's going to be fun and interesting, so I hope you enjoy it. Let's go!

NOTE: Trigger Warning. Mentions of attempted suicide, harm, murder, kidnapping, etc

All my friends tell me to wait

They all want me to remain

The second that his parents knew that he could see color, they warned him about Monos. That is the world that Go Yoohan lives in. A world where those who can properly see colors were in danger of being hunted by those who don't. In his world, there are individuals called mononervechromats or Mono for short. Their brains, for whatever reason, are unable to distinguish color even though their cone cells are normal. However, when a Mono sees a certain person's face, they can see colors. This person is a Probe.

And for whatever reason, Yoohan's parents thought that he may be one. They warned him that if anyone were to ever experience a color rush around him, he should run. They told him that if anyone in his class announced they were a Mono, he was to shun them. Or preferably tell them right away so they could transfer him to a new school. Yoohan thought it was more than dramatic. Even if he was a Probe, the chances of him coming across his Mono was slim.

A part of him understood his parents' worries. The news had frequently released stories about Mono's obsessions with their Probe, which more often than not led to crime. Things such as kidnapping, murder, and even cannibalism all over the world. Some even claimed that mononervechromacy was worse than schizophrenia.

Yoohan found it ridiculous to be honest. Even though he grew up being warned of the dangers of Monos, he couldn't believe a word of it. For one thing, his parents have always been a tad bit too overprotective. He rarely trusted a word that came out of their mouths. Secondly, he finds it unfair that Monos were known to be crazy just because they are unable to see color. It's cruel to say that they are going to grow up to be killers just because they can only see black, white, and gray. They didn't choose to be born this way. They couldn't help it. It is just the way things are.

It's for that reason that Yoohan relates to the Monos. He honestly feels like a Mono himself sometimes. It's a crazy notion. After all, who would compare themselves to the ever so dangerous Mono? But, Yoohan did. Cause he understood where Monos came from. He got their desire to find that one person who could bring color into their life. Cause he was searching himself for that one person whose face he could actually see.

Yoohan can't recognize faces. It's called prosopagnosia. Face blindness. Even if he's known the person for years, even if they're his own flesh and blood, he can't identify who they are. Over time, he's learned to adapt the best he could, recognize mannerisms and tones of voices, but it still wasn't easy. It was exhausting and he imagined that Monos felt the same way. It is for that reason that Yoohan could never be afraid of Monos, people he felt are experiencing the same thing he is.

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