Written to Me

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Hi, everyone! This is the second to last day of Minjoon one-shots. This one is sort of based off of real life, but not. Only some of the members of BTS are actually BTS. Others are just normal citizens. I think I made it pretty clear who is what, but if you don't understand, shoot me a comment. Now, let's get into the chapter.

Jimin sighs as he sits in behind the counter of the convenience store. It is rather quiet, no one has really entered the store since earlier this morning. It was pretty much just Jimin and no one else. The only amusement he had received was from his phone and the constant stream of messages from his friends. He glances down at his phone and frowns. There were no new messages. He shrugs, they were probably busy doing things. Jin hyung is always trying out for different roles and stuff. Hobi hyung would usually be practicing for a dance competition or something. Jimin sighs as he glances out the window. No one seems to be approaching the store. It looks like it's just going to be him for another couple of hours. At least, until his co-worker comes in for the night shift. Jimin slouches a little and the store falls into a quiet lull. If only he weren't such a diligent worker, he would take a nap right this very instant. The entire convenience store is silent except for the music that plays over the loudspeaker. Jimin's boss hates noise of any kind, especially music. Jimin disagrees a hundred percent, he needs it. Especially, when he's standing in an empty store with no other form of human contact. Some sort of noise calms him. His boss hasn't caught him yet, so what she doesn't know won't kill her. The song switches to the voice of one Jeon Jungkook. Jimin hums the tune of the song under his breath and listens to the lyrics of the song. The lyrics are like a poem. They are beautiful and they seem to connect with Jimin in ways that lyrics has never done before. Jimin smiles as the song comes to an end. He's always been a fan of BTS and their works. They're an idol boy group, but who the hell cares. You can be a guy and still like kpop. There is nothing wrong with that. BTS is a four member group that debuted a while ago. Two singers and two rappers. Jimin had gotten into them after hearing I Need U. It was a song that stuck with him during a time that he felt like falling. Ever since then, he's been an avid listener of their songs. An avid fan, if you will. The song changes to one that Jimin has loved ever since it came out, Serendipity. He's always had a soft spot for the song. The song was sung entirely by Kim Namjoon, who usually raps, but stepped out of his comfort zone with this track. These lyrics always hold a lot of depth to Jimin. He closes his eyes and listens to the raspy voice of RM. As he listens to the song, he feels a bit different. He opens his eyes as the lyrics I am your calico cat are sang. He frowns, it's different. Not in a bad way, but a good way. He couldn't say what makes it different. It just is. Jimin reaches for his phone and quickly sends a message to his group chat.

jimin do u know the song serendipity

hobi yah

jin yup, what about it

jimin does it sound different to you

hobi different...in what way

jimin i don't know just different

jin are u okay jiminie have you been getting enough sleep

jimin im fine

hobi u sure, ure not really making sense

jimin just listen to the song again....

jin okay

hobi i guess

Jimin gives them a few minutes to listen to the song. He bites his lip as he tries to determine what exactly made the song different. He's listened to it multiple times before. This time is just sounded different. Almost like it carries more weight. But, how? And in what way? His phone vibrates and Jimin picks it up.

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