A Blast to Christmas Past

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It's one-shot number two for Christmas! This one is Hyunsung themed, cause we all know how much I absolutely love and adore this ship. It's super underrated, but I always have a thing for underrated ships. Anyway, this one takes place in present time and then during what I imagine to be some Victorian like era. I don't really know how else to explain it, so you'll just have to read and see for yourself. I hope that you enjoy this one-shot!

Jisung plops onto the couch and lets out a sigh as his head touches one of the pillows. He brings his arm over his eyes and shifts a bit, trying to get comfortable. "Jisung!" Mrs. Han calls out. Jisung groans and removes his arm from his hand. "What, eomma!?" Jisung shouts, not moving from his position on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Mrs. Han questions.

"Taking a nap!" Jisung yells.

"I thought I told you to decorate the tree!!!" Mrs. Han exclaims.

"I did already!!!" Jisung huffs.

"Oh, okay! Sleep well then sweetheart!" Mrs. Han says, "I'll wake you up when it's dinner time." Jisung sighs as he covers his face again and lets his eyes close. It isn't long before he falls asleep and is pulled into dreamland.


"Who the hell are you!?" An unfamiliar voice states in a firm tone. Jisung groans a bit, his entire body a bit stiff. He slowly moves his arm again and his eyes fly open. He stares up at the ceiling for a second with a sleepy expression on his face. He yawns a bit and stretches before turning around on the couch, so that he can glance at the floor. It's only then that it starts to dawn on him. That isn't his floor. He looks back up at the ceiling and he frowns. This isn't his ceiling. He sits up and his head swivels back and forth rapidly. His eyes widen as he takes in his surroundings. This is most definitely not his house. The couch he is laying on is massive and it is situated in an even larger living room with a high ceiling. There's a massive fireplace and a tall Christmas tree decorated beautifully. In another room, Jisung can spot a grand spiraling staircase and massive double doors. "How in the world did I get here?" Jisung murmurs to himself, not understanding at all how he ended up in this lavish mansion.

"I have the same question," A voice hisses, "What do you want from me? Are you some sort of criminal?" Jisung tenses a bit before turning to look at the source of the voice. He stiffens when he sees a young man around his age with medium length black hair and garbed in an outfit that looks like it was from a million centuries ago. The boy is beautiful. He looks like a real-life prince. The only thing that is ruining his visual is the threatening look in his eyes and the large metal pole in his hands, prepped in a swinging position. "Oh...uh...I didn't notice you," Jisung stutters out, his eyes flitting to the pole, "D-do you m-mind putting that down?"

"Not until you identify yourself," The boy states, "I need to know whether you are here to cause me harm."

"I was legit taking a nap on your couch, dude..." Jisung says, "At least, I think it's you're couch."

"It is," The boy says, still holding onto the pole, "I still do not know who you are or what you want from me."

"Han Jisung," He answers, "And I don't want anything other than to figure out why I'm here and how to get back home."

"Y-you do not know how you came to be here?" The boy questions tentatively.

Jisung nods, "I have no idea. I was sleeping on my couch just a while ago. I promise you. I'm not lying or anything like that. I'm just as confused as you are. Now, could you put that thing down?" The boy lets out a breath before lowering the pole and placing back on a stand beside the fireplace with the rest of its siblings. Jisung rubs his eyes with his hands and slaps at his cheeks a bit, "Maybe...I'm still dreaming."

"Are you crazy?" The boy asks suddenly, "Did you escape from the crazy house in the town over?"

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