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This is a romance, not romance one-shot. It's not super-romantic like at all. It hints at romance and couples and stuff, but it's more of a superhero themed one-shot that I don't know where to put. I don't want to publish a full-fledged DC superheroes one-shot book because I don't think I would update it often, so I'm putting it here and saying it's a romance one-shot. Bare with me please. Anyway, this one-shot is set in DC's Legends of Tomorrow, which is a CW television show. It has one of my OC's in it that I created when I was super into roleplaying. It'll be focused a lot on Constantine and his past. That's all I'm going to say. Let's get into it.

"Someone remind me why we're doing this!?" Nate yells as he yanks the steering wheel to the right, dodging the guys on motorcycles chasing them.

"Lyla needed help and we're not exactly busy!" Sara exclaims.

"I beg to differ!" Zari calls out.

Charlie nods, "Ditto!"

"I have loads of other things to worry about then transporting a block of metal," Constantine laments.

"Stop complaining. We should be lucky that anyone wants us to help them at all," Ava states. The team all yell in surprise as the sound of grating can be heard. "What is that noise!?" Zari shrieks.

Mick growls, "Some dude is trying to cut open the truck." The man is sitting in the passenger's seat and he can see a guy in all black using a device to attempt to get into the truck. He huffs and lowers his window before sticking his gun out of it. He pulls the trigger and the guy screams as he is set on fire. "Mick!" Sara shouts.

"What!? I took care of the dude!" Mick huffs.

"You didn't have to make him into s'mores," Behrad exclaims.

"Ungrateful bastards!" Mick yells, "Deal with them yourself next time." The team sighs from the back where they all surround a metal box. They have no idea what's inside. Whatever it is, someone wants it. They've been chased since they left the drop off point and they don't seem to want to give up. "Guys! Problem!" Nate squawks as he sees a couple of the motorcycle guys further ahead creating a blockade on the road.

"Run 'em over!" Mick states.

Nate shakes his head, "I can't do that!"

"Yes, you can!" Mick says.

"Captain!!!" Nate calls out to Sara.

"John, can you-," Sara starts, but is cut off when the truck door flies open. The metal door clanks onto the road and cars skid to a stop. The team's eyes widen as they see two of the motorcycle dudes flying right in the doorway. "What the hell!?" Charlie exclaims. The two men hold guns in their hands and start to fire them. Behrad and Zari act fast, using the totem to prevent the bullets from hitting them. "Guys!!!" Nate screams, "I shouldn't stop right!?"

"No!!!" They all yell at the same time. The two flying motorcycle dudes are joined by others who levitate as well. The others battle as well as Nate continues to drive forward. "Guys! I'm gonna cra-," Nate says before the truck hits the blockade. The group all grunts at the impact and their eyes widen as the vehicle starts to tilt. The flying dudes from before are watching from a distance as the truck starts to capsize. The Legends brace for impact when a loud piercing voice echoes through the air. "Etativel! The voice screams. The truck stops moving and floats in the air. The group all stare at John, who shakes his head, having nothing to do with this. "Hold on!" The voice says again. The team do as the voice says as the truck is slowly repositioned and returned to its spot on the ground. "Egnahc sehtolc otni sgnidnib!" The voice exclaims again, "Etativel meht yawa." The Legends look at one another, wondering who could be saying these things. "Look," Behrad states, pointing towards the guys who were attacking from before. They all are gathered at the side of the street and they have been tied together with their own clothes. "How is that possible?" Ava questions, "Was that you John?"

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