Royal Lines

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Hi, hi! I am back with yet another family feels one-shot. The amount of these that I have been writing is making me lean towards just retitling this book to be called my one-shots. It would still most likely be filled mainly with romance one-shots, but it would also just include fics such as this and more platonic relationships. I am really leaning towards it instead of making another book just cause I have this feeling that I won't be updating it if I end up making another. At the same time, I love platonic friendships and family moments, so it may end up being updated endlessly. I don't know. But, nonetheless, I'm going to think this through for a bit longer and let you know. This one is a Haikyuu themed one-shot and it is about Kageyama and Daichi. Don't ask me how or why, but for some reason the notion of the two of them being brothers got stuck in my head and then a bunch of fic ideas were born. This is one of a few fic ideas I have if I remember correctly, so please look forward to them. Anyway, this fic pretty much plays with this idea of how Kageyama would be if he had a brother and if he would change or not. With that said, let's get right into the story!

"Come on, Tobio!" Daichi calls, "You don't want to be late on your first day."

"Yeah, yeah," Tobio huffs as he adjusts his bag on his shoulder. The Sawamura brothers walk beside one another down the path leading towards their high school. Daichi has a smile on his face that contrasts with Tobio's stiff frown. Daichi is looking forward to Tobio's first day at Karasuno. More so, he's looking forward to having his prodigal younger brother as a member of the volleyball club that he just so happens to be the captain of. Tobio, although he doesn't look like it, is just as excited about joining the team. At least, Daichi thinks he is. He knows that his younger brother breathes volleyball, but they haven't really spoken much about him joining Karasuno's team or how he feels about it. Then again, they don't talk much about anything.

When they were younger, they used to talk all the time. They would always tell each other their problems or worries. They were each other's support systems, especially since they're parents weren't often there. They were closer than most siblings were. It helped that they both held this deep love for volleyball. They bonded over late nights and hour filled weekends of practicing their sport.

They were the only ones who understood how important volleyball is to the other. Daichi found volleyball to be not only a part of his life, but a part of himself. The fact that Tobio shared the same passion for the sport just made it that much more special. And Tobio, who was often teased about his obsession at school, could always find a comforting shoulder in Daichi. It is because of his brother that Tobio was never alone.

It wasn't until Tobio went to middle school did things change. Daichi, to this day, never understood why. But, his brother went from being open and cheeky to stoic and easily angered. He shut Daichi out. He wouldn't talk to him about anything. Even volleyball. No matter how much Daichi tried, Tobio wouldn't budge. And so, the brothers who were once very close became distant strangers to one another.

Daichi and Tobio step into the pavilion at the front of the school where the rest of the student body have already begun to gather. The brothers make their way through the crowd towards the front doors and into the building. Once inside, Daichi turns to look at Tobio. "The interest meeting is in the left gym after school," Daichi states, "You're coming, right?"

"Of course I am," Tobio answers. Daichi nods his head. Knew it. Tobio could never say no to volleyball. He turns to look at his brother and tell him something else, but stops himself when he notices that no one is standing in the spot beside him. His eyes flick to down the hall and sighs when he spots his younger brother walking off. "Have a good day..." Daichi sighs.


"Hey, Captain," Tanaka calls out. Daichi turns around and smiles when he sees his teammates walking over to him. Sugawara flashes his classmate and friend a wide smile while Tanaka saunters over with his bag thrown over his shoulder. "Heading to the gym?" Sugawara asks.

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