A Very Late Christmas Card

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It's the holidays!!!! Woooohoooo! I wasn't originally planning on writing anything special, but I decided last minute why not? I have three Xmas romance one-shots for you all to read and enjoy. They are going to be focused on my top three favorite kpop groups. I won't list them, but you can all guess who they are. Whoever guesses correctly wins a prize! Lol. JK. You can still guess in the comments though. Anyway, this first one-shot takes place in the future. Let's say...fifty years from now. The ship is Jicheol and will include some other ships from this group too...which sort of spoils what one of my fav kpop groups are, but whatever. It's Christmas themed, a bit sad, but also very sweet. I hope you enjoy it.

Chan closes the door as he slips back into the house with a bunch of envelopes in his hands. He shuffles through them, glancing at the send address and seeing who each letter is from. He's so focused on them that he doesn't notice as his father grabs them all from him and tuts. "Come on, Channie, you shouldn't go through your parents' mail," Jeonghan teases, "What if you find something bad in there?"

Chan scoffs, "What would I even find, appa? They're probably all Christmas cards anyway..."

"You never know, Chan-ah," Joshua says as he walks over, garbed in a oversized Christmas sweater, "Your appa may have a very deep, dark secret..." Jeonghan chuckles at this and moves to stand beside his significant other. He wraps his arms around Joshua's waist and squeezes him gently. "Hello, love," Jeonghan hums, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Joshua smiles, "Hello, angel..."

"Gross," Chan states before walking away, leaving the two men laughing in amusement, "I'll be in the kitchen prepping dinner for the party tonight if you need me!" Joshua reaches for the stack of letters and Jeonghan passes it to him. "You don't really have any secrets, do you?" Joshua asks with a soft smile on his lips.

Jeonghan grins, "Of course not. They are most definitely cards from our friends." Joshua nods and hums underneath his breath as he starts to open one of the envelopes. He slips the card out from inside and turns it around to look at it. His eyes widen when he sees who is on the card. He lets out a breath before dropping the entire stack of envelopes and the card that shocked him so much. Joshua brings his hands to cover his mouth and he shakes his head in disbelief. "Shua? What's wrong?" Jeonghan questions in a concerned tone. He releases his hold on his waist and latches onto his shoulders. He scans Joshua up and down, trying to see if he's hurt in any way. "I'm fine," Joshua says, "I'm okay. Just really surprised..."

"Surprised?" Jeonghan says in confusion. He lets go of Joshua after the other reassures him again that he isn't in pain or anything like that. "Is everything alright?" Chan asks as he peeks into the living room from the kitchen, having overheard the commotion.

"Yes, yes, don't worry," Joshua says as he bends down to pick up the rest of the envelopes. He places them on a side table, but keeps a hold of the card that he has already opened up. He holds it delicately in his hand and shows it to Jeonghan, "Look." Jeonghan glances down at the card and his mouth falls open in shock. "Is that?" Jeonghan questions.

Joshua nods his head, "Don't you remember? We never got their card that year. It got lost in the mail..."

"I do...I...how is this possible?" Jeonghan asks.

Joshua shrugs, "I don't know..."

"What are you two talking about?" Chan asks, exiting the kitchen and coming over to see what his parents are going on about. He glances at the card and his eyebrows furrow in confusion. It's a normal Christmas card. A red trimming with large white curling letters that read Happy Holidays. There is a picture of two young men with wide smiles on their faces. Their arms are wrapped around one another and their eyes shine with joy. Under the photo is a text box that reads from Seungcheol & Jihoon. "Is this?" Chan questions.

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