More Time

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This one-shot is dedicated to WonderWomanClub
This one-shot will lead to spoilers from the DCEU 2017 Wonder Woman movie. Read at your own risk.

Are you sure?

Second to last warning....

I don't want to be the one to ruin it for you......

Last warning....

Alright....well read at your own risk.

Let me set the scene Diana has been living in London for a very long time. It is now the year 2017 and she is thinking back to her lost love Steve Trevor.

Diana's POV

Ever since Bruce sent me that picture I couldn't stop thinking about Steve. I was sitting at my desk working when I decided to look at Steve's watch. I sighed as I brushed my finger along the face of the watch. I will always love you Steve. You were a hero that left this world to early. As I stared at the watch the hands suddenly stopped moving. "No! can't be dead. It's been ticking for so long! It can't just stop!" I exclaimed. But, it had stopped the hands were no longer ticking as I set the watch down on the table in front of me. It's like I lost the one thing I have left of Steve. Now he really is gone forever. Soon the day was over and I packed my things up and headed home. I took Steve's watch with me, there is a chance of getting it fixed. I had heard a new store had opened up that focuses on fixing watches and clocks. Instead of going home right away I had to deal with an enemy of mine who was attacking the people. The news stations are calling her Cheetah for she resembled the quick cat. They had dubbed me Wonder Woman after seeing my strength and abilities. When I arrived back home I lay on my bed thinking about my lost love and how I never stopped loving him. I've done my best to protect the world but in the end I wasn't able to save Steve. I sighed as I stroked the face of the watch thinking of the time we danced together. Suddenly my daydream was interrupted by a loud boom and crash of lightning. Right before me was Zeus, the god of thunder, and my father. "Father? Your alive and well. What are you doing here?" I ask gripping onto Steve's watch.

"I wanted to see my daughter. You have done amazing things Diana, just as I knew you would," Zeus said smiling at his daughter.

"The Amazons believe you to be dead. How is it that your alive?" I asked curious.

"I was never dead, only extremely weak. It has taken me a long time to regain my full strength and power. But now that I have, it is due time I visit my daughter. The girl who saved the world from Ares," Zeus said.

"It's nice to meet you father. Defeating Ares was very difficult. He was powerful." I replied politely.

"I know Diana. I was watching you fight your brother. By the time you were battling I had most of my strength and power back," Zeus said. I didn't say anything because I am trying to process what father is saying. Did he just say he had his strength and power when I battled Ares. He could've helped me during that fight! I could've saves so many more lives! I could've saved Steve's life. I frowned and reached for my sword that lay underneath my bed. "Couldn't you have helped me fight Ares than?" I asked.

"Yes. Of course, I could've assisted. But, I couldn't have killed him." Zeus said. With those words exiting his mouth I tackled my father with my sword raised. "Diana! What are you doing?" Zeus asked.

"You could've helped me defeat a god! You could've helped me save lives! Don't you understand the sacrifices I made to defeat Ares. If you were there I could've saved his life!" I yelled as I used my strength to punch Zeus in the gut and swipe at his neck with my sword. Zeus grunts after being punched and touches the blood dripping down his neck from the cut. "Are you speaking of the mortal Steve Trevor. If I remember correctly you two had feelings for one another. I thought you would be over him by now. He's so important to you, that you would attack your own father for not helping save a mortal life," Zeus said shocked.

"Steve Trevor was a hero that saved lives. He is the one man in this world that is kind. If it wasn't for him I may have joined Ares in taking over the world. Steve showed me that I should fight for what I believe in. I believe that love is stronger than anything and Steve was the one to make me realize this.  You haven't been a father to me. If you were an actual father you would've helped me fight Ares!," I spat annoyed with the thunder god's behavior.

"Oh....Diana, I am so sorry. You lost your lover as a result of battling Ares. You believe if I was there you may have been able to save his life. You have made many sacrifices for the good of world. None of those sacrifices will go to waste Diana. I promise something will happen that will make this all better," Zeus said giving me a small smile before he disappeared. I sighed and dropped my sword on the floor. Maybe attacking Zeus wasn't a good idea, but he had angered me. I wondered what Zeus meant by something happening that would make everything better. I decided not to dwell on it and go to bed since no one is in any danger. The next morning I decided to head to the new clock repair shop to get Steve's watch fixed. When I entered the store a small bell rang. A voice that was oddly familiar yelled out, "I'll be with you in a minute!" I frowned thinking I heard Steve's voice call out and not some random worker. The store was small and had a multiple clocks hanging on the walls. I walked up to the counter that holds a cash register and waited for the worker, that sounded like Steve, to come help me. The worker walked up to the counter and I gasped in shock. "S-Steve?" I ask shocked that the man in front of me is a splitting image of Steve Trevor.

"Yes, ma'am that's my name, Steve Teynor," not Steve said pointing to his name tag. I shook my head, it wasn't him. I shouldn't have thought it is him, just because he resembles my lost love. "Are you alright, miss?" not Steve asked me looking a little worried. I sighed, but decided I shouldn't dwell on something like this. I am Wonder Woman, the world needs a hero like me that is focused and not dreaming of her lost lover. "Yes, I am fine. I was wondering if you could fix my watch. It has stopped ticking for some reason," I said pulling out Steve's watch and showing not Steve. 

Not Steve looked at the watch and nodded his head, "It looks like an old watch. It probably just died. If you give it to me I can fix it."

I handed the watch to not Steve, "Please be careful with it. It has sentimental value to me."

"Of course miss. Don't worry you can trust me with your watch." not Steve said taking the watch, "I should be done with it by the end of today. You can come by at around 6:30 to pick it up and it should be back to ticking." I nod my head and start walking out the door when I hear a loud boom and lightning crackling. I turn around and see not Steve on the floor. Not Steve is surrounded by a crackling blue electricity. I stare at not Steve as the lightning slowly dies. Not Steve slowly opens his eyes and groans. I walk back to the counter and look at not Steve worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Not Steve holds his head in pain and slowly stands up. He looks me in the eyes and smiles, "I'm fine Diana." I gasp and hold my hand over my mouth. This isn't possible. Is it Steve? My Steve? "Steve? Is it really you?" I ask shocked.

Steve smiles at me and walks around the counter. He stands right in front of me and gently takes my hand, "It's me Diana. I'm here and alive somehow." I looked at Steve's eyes and smiled. This is Steve, my Steve. I wrap my arms around his body and hug him. Before I know it tears are streaming down my face, "I've missed you for so long. You were dead for years. But, your here."

Steve lifted my chin up and wiped a tear from my face, "I'm here and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." Steve gently graced my lips with a kiss. I smiled and kissed him back. For once I am the happiest I could ever be. Thank you father. Thank you for giving me more time with Steve Trevor.

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