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Hello! I am back. This is my first Riverdale ship that I've ever written. I hope it goes well. This is a Bughead one-shot. I'm probably the only person that didn't really like Bughead's first kiss. It seemed random and ill-timed in my opinion. I think that their first kiss would've worked a lot better after the craziness of Jughead's surprise birthday party. I'll set the scene a little. This is right after the whole game of secret revealing. In this one-shot, Betty and Jughead are dating. They have yet to kiss, because let's all imagine this isn't hormone high Riverdale.

Betty sighs as she starts to pick up trash from the floor. It was only her and Archie cleaning up the house after the events of the party. She had sent Veronica home, even though she had offered to help clean up. It was her idea to throw the party, she would deal with the mess it had left behind. She thinks back to how Cheryl crashed the party, making the situation worse than it already was. She didn't mean any harm by throwing a party for Jughead. She had honestly thought that he would like it. Betty looks down at her palms and clenches them closed. She knew that Jughead didn't like his birthday. She should've known to not throw a surprise party for him. "Hey, Betty," Archie says, trash bags in hand, "You can go home, you know. I can handle the rest of this."

Betty shakes her head, "I want to help."

Archie nods his head, "Okay, if you're sure. I'm going to clean up the backyard. Are you okay in here?" Betty gives Archie a thumbs up and he makes his way towards the back door with the trash bags. Betty takes a deep breath and thinks about the secret spilling game that they had played. Chuck just had to blabber on about what happened. Now, they all knew about her demons. They knew about her darkness. Jughead knows about it. She bends down to pick up an empty plastic cup. She stares at it for a minute before tossing it in a garbage bag sitting in the corner of the living room. Suddenly, someone coughs and startles Betty. She looks up to see Jughead. He is leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed. "Jug? What are you still doing here?" Betty questions.

Jughead sighs, "I honestly don't know." He walks into the Andrew's house and closes the door behind him. Betty moves closer to him and gives him an apologetic look. "Jughead....I'm sorry for this," Betty says, "I should've known not to throw you a party. Look at what happened because of it. Archie's house is a mess, you got punched by stupid Chuck, and things just went crazy in a matter of seconds."

Jughead frowns, "Me getting punched wasn't your fault. The whole fight thing was brought upon by Cheryl and her ridiculous game."

"It was my fault, though. I threw you a party, even when you told me how much you dislike your birthday," Betty continues, "I shouldn't have done something like this. It's not you. I shouldn't have tried to force it on you. I'm sorry...."

Jughead takes a step closer to Betty and gives her a hug, "Don't be sorry. I'm not mad. At least, not anymore. I know you didn't mean to cause any harm by throwing me a party. I just want you to understand that I'm not going to be like other guys. I don't like these types of things and I guess you're going to have to learn to deal with that. I'm who I am. If you care about me, you'll let me be me. I just want you to understand that I'm not normal. I want you to accept that and let it be. I like you, Betty. I don't want things to be over between us because of this whole situation. According to my dad, we have something really special...."

"I promise, no more parties or forcing you out of your comfort zone. I accept you as you are, Jughead Jones," Betty says with a smile.

"So, are we good? Is our relationship still going strong?" Jughead asks.

"I don't really know, Jug. I don't want to give up on us either, but are you sure you still want to be with me," Betty states, "Especially, after what Chuck told you." Jughead releases Betty from her hug and frowns. Betty sighs and starts to walk towards the kitchen to continue cleaning. Jughead follows her with a confused look on his face. "Why would I not want to be with you?" Jughead asks.

Betty grimaces, "I'm not all good, Jughead. I'm not the innocent girl next door. I'm broken and I have this darkness inside of me. I'm scared of the person I am on the inside. These marks on my hands are just crazy. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just....I don't know what to do..."

"You keep going. You keep pushing and living your life. You don't let it stop you, because you're Betty Cooper. You can do anything you put your mind to," Jughead exclaims, "You're not all darkness. No one is ever that black or white. You'll find a way through this. With your own fighting spirit and with the help of the people that care about you the most." Betty smiles at his words. "You don't have to be afraid of the darkness. I'll always be here to point the light in your way," Jughead says calmly. Jughead takes a step closer to Betty. They stand centimeters away from one another in the middle of the Andrew's kitchen. "Can I do something crazy?" Jughead asks.

"I doubt it's any crazier than what happened today," Betty replies. Jughead takes that moment to press his lips onto hers. The two lean into the kiss and each other's touch. The feel of bliss and joy course through their bodies, as their lips explore untouched grounds. Betty pulls away after a few seconds, "Wow....that was..."

"Crazy...." Jughead states.

Betty nods, "Yeah, that. You know, I think I'm starting to like crazy...." Jughead smirks and tilts his head to kiss her again.

The end! A short little drabble. I still hope you all enjoyed it. If you want another Riverdale ship one-shot, comment the name of the ship. Please vote, follow me, and add this story to your library. Bye!

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