I'm here

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Hello! I am back with another BTS one-shot. It's going to be sweet and emotional and fluffy. This one, as you can see by the title, is a platonic Namjoon and Taehyung. It's dedicated to one of my friends and I hope that she likes it very much. With that said, let's get into it.

(Side Note: This is one of the one-shots that I have moved from my Kpop one-shot book as I consider it to be a bromance story=a sub-category to romance stories. If you recognize it, it's because you may have already read it before. Please give it love in this book as well)

Namjoon stares up at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. When he woke up this morning, he felt weird. Sad. Upset. For no real reason. Just because. It wasn't entirely out of the ordinary or something that's never happened before. Namjoon has woken up many times before and felt like crap. The leader lifts up his arm and stares at his hand. He stays silent as his heart aches. He lets his arm fall and he stares back up at the ceiling. It's like a gaping feeling in his chest. A feeling of sadness and disappointment and shame. There's no real way to describe it. The closest word would be hollow. Empty. But, not. Cause, Namjoon is filled with something, it just makes him feel like nothing. He feels inferior. He feels useless. He feels...everything and nothing at the same time. It makes Namjoon's head spin. He turns his head to the right. He stares at the empty bed where Taehyung usually sleeps. Namjoon sighs again. Normally, he would talk to Taehyung, but he was probably busy with his friends or something. Namjoon sighs and closes his eyes. He would just have to deal with this by himself. He's done it before. Namjoon swallows his saliva and blinks a couple of times, almost as if he's trying to push the pain back into the depths of his body. Before it erupts. Before it spills out. His efforts fail. He doesn't seem to notice at first when tears start to appear at the corner of his eyes. When he does realize, he blinks, but this only leads to his vision getting blurry. Namjoon squeezes his eyes shut and grips onto his shirt, right where his heart is. He bunches his shirt into his fist and slams it onto his chest. He lets out a choked sob. It's never ending. The caving pain in his chest. The way it feels as if someone is scraping the inside of his heart. Leaving him completely vacant. A shell of himself. He presses the back of his head into the depths of his pillow, hoping that it could swallow him whole. Hoping for anything to swallow him and take him away from the pain he's experiencing. Even though his eyes are shut, a tear escapes and trails down his face. Namjoon doesn't move and lets the tear be joined by its brothers. Namjoon feels powerless. Like he can't do anything. How could he hope to combat this unexplainable pain? This nonsensical depression. "Yeah, I just got back," The voice of Taehyung can be heard from inside the room. Namjoon stiffens and starts to rub at his tears, not wanting his dongseong to see him in this state. Taehyung always worried more about him than he should. "Yeah, thanks for dropping me home," Taehyung says as he opens the door. He glances to Namjoon, who is still lying down and rubbing his eyes. Namjoon shifts away from Taehyung, but the younger already saw the leader's face. The younger could see the pain with only one glance. Taehyung's face softens and he looks to Namjoon with concern. "I'll talk you later, hyungie," Taehyung says, "Everything's fine. I just need to do something that requires my full attention." With that, Taehyung hung up on his call and tosses his phone onto his bed. He does the same with the rest of his stuff before making his way over to Namjoon. The younger sits at the edge of the bed and twists his body in order to give Namjoon a proper hug. The older falls into the embrace, not saying anything. "Why didn't you call me?" Taehyung asks.

"I didn't want to bother you," Namjoon says, moving so that he can sit up. Taehyung shifts as well, pulling his legs closer so that he can sit cross-legged. "You would never bother me," Taehyung says, "Tell me what's wrong."

Namjoon looks down at his hands, "I'm fine, Taehyung. I'm just not feeling really happy. I'm just sad for no reason."

"That's okay, hyungie," Taehyung says, "You can be upset. Is it really bad?" Namjoon hesitates, before shaking his head. Taehyung sighs and reaches over to brush away a tear that's escaped from Namjoon's eye. "You can talk to me, Joonie hyung. You know that. You don't have to hide," Taehyung says.

"I'm not hiding, I just feel bad for always going to you," Namjoon mutters.

Taehyung shakes his head and wraps his arms around Namjoon again, "Don't be. Don't feel bad, Namjoon hyung. You have nothing to feel guilty about. We all need someone to lean on. I'm glad that you chose that person to be me. Now talk to me hyung. Tell me what's wrong."

"It's not that big of a deal, Taehyung," Namjoon says, returning the hug.

Taehyung pouts, "Nonsense. If you're sad, of course it's a big deal. You deserve to be happy, not sad. Never sad."

"Really, Taehyung. I'm fine," Namjoon states, his voice shaking as he speaks.

"It's not fine. I'm sitting right in front of you. I'm sitting right here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to make you feel better if it's the last thing that I do," Taehyung says, "Cause, I want to see you smile, hyung. I want to see your dimples peek out." Namjoon doesn't say anything and shrinks in on himself, pulling away from Taehyung. The younger frowns as he watches his hyung. Namjoon bites his lower lip and lets his head hang. Taehyung looks at Namjoon as he speaks, "It's like your drowning, isn't it? It's like that no matter where you look or what you do, you feel sad. It's like you're lost in this forest of darkness with no way out. You feel like there's no eacape and you just don't know what to do."

"How could you tell?" Namjoon asks.

"Cause I've felt that way before too," Taehyung says, "It's a sucky place to be, but it doesn't last forever. That feeling. It goes away when you have someone with you. For me...that person was you. You led me out of the forest. I want to do the same for you, hyung." Namjoon slowly lifts his head up to look at Taehyung. The younger gives him a small smile and places his hand on Namjoon's own. "I want you to know that you're amazing and special and kind-hearted. You're the best that this world has to offer. The world should be thankful that it has someone like you on it. I've never met someone as great as you. You always see the good in others and you always know the right things to say. You bring so much happiness to so many people just by being you. You may feel upset or feel like you're not enough. But, you are. You always are. You're a light, Namjoon hyung. A shining light that powers through it all because you're strong and you never give up. But, it's okay if you need to. If you need a break, that's fine. I'll be there for you either way. I'll be there with you no matter where you may be. I'm always going to be here. I'll be with you through it all. I'll be your shoulder to cry or lean on if you ever need it. I'll be your friend and I'll be your fists if you need strength. I'll be your heart when you need to love yourself a little more. I'll be there for you. Cause I really do care about you, hyung. Cause I love you. I love you so very much. I want nothing more than for you to be happy. I'll help you, hyung. I'll be right here. I am right here. I'm here for you. Always." Namjoon looks Taehyung in the eyes and flashes him a thankful look. With as much sincerity as someone could possibly muster, he says, "Thank you. Thank you, Taehyung."

End. I've been working on this one-shot for a long while and that's because it never seemed good enough to me. It's still not perfect, but I'm satisfied with the way it turned out. I hope all of you enjoy it as well. If you did please vote, comment, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my Kpop One-shots. Thank you for reading and goodbye.

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