Third Wheel

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Hello! I am back with another entirely Minjoon one-shot. This one is based off of my own emotions after watching that MiniMoni vlive. I never planned on making this an actual one-shot, but I did because someone recommended that I do it. So, here it is! I hope that you enjoy it. I'll try my hardest to write more one-shots that aren't kpop themed ships. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy this one-shot whether you like kpop or not. Let's get into it!

"Oh my god! I can't believe it!!!" Taehyung shrieks, "How did you get tickets?! The show sold out ages ago..."

"I have my ways," Jimin says, "I got four tickets. Two for me and Joon. And two for you and whoever else you want to bring." Taehyung shrieks again and launches himself at Jimin. The two lock into a tight embrace with wide smiles on their faces. "I can't believe it! I'm going to see my favorite musical on Broadway!" Taehyung exclaims, "Who should I ask to come with me?

"Whoever you want," Jimin says, "The shows this weekend though. I'm not sure how many people are going to be free. I'm sorry for not telling you wasn't exactly guaranteed I was going to get the tickets..." Taehyung and Jimin break from their hug. "Don't be sorry," Taehyung states, "The important thing here is that you got the tickets and you're giving one of them to me!"

"Of course," Jimin replies, "You're my best friend. If anyone is going to see the show with me, it has to be you!"

"Is Joon excited?" Taehyung questions, "He loves the show just as much as I do!"

"He is over the moon!" Jimin says with a grin, "He said it's like a dream come to life!" Taehyung jumps up and down in excitement, "I'm going to call some friends and see who wants to come with."

"Sound good," Jimin says, "I'm going to go plan places to eat! This is going to be an absolutely amazing day!"

"I'm so excited! I don't think I'm going to sleep!" Taehyung exclaims, "I just can't wait!!!"


Taehyung groans and plops face first into the couch. He has been calling and texting people all afternoon. Not a single person is free this weekend. No one can come with him to see the show. Yoongi has plans to sleep all day. Hoseok has a dance competition. Seokjin has an audition for a new show. And Jungkook is going home to visit his parents. Taehyung is stuck with Jimin and Namjoon for an entire day. It doesn't sound terrible, but here's the thing. Jimin and Namjoon have been dating since forever. They still are deeply and completely in love with one another. They do couple things all the time, from cuddles to feeding each other food. Taehyung loves his best friend and his older brother, but he doesn't want to spend the entire day being the third wheel. But, he knows how devastated he is going to be if he turns down the ticket to his favorite musical. Taehyung groans again, his choices are miss a chance he may never get again and bum around all day alone or spend the day with lovebirds and see the show of his dreams. "Ahhhhhhhh," Taehyung screams, slamming his face into a pillow, "What do I do?" Suddenly, his phone begins to ring. Taehyung groans again and shifts a little to grab his phone. He doesn't check to see who's calling him and hits the answer button. "Hello..." He says in a depressed tone.

"Tae! I got it all planned out. We'll take the bus out to the city for a little brunch. I got us reservations for this cute little tea-shop. Then, we can go shopping and look around Times Square until it's time for the show. We'll head over at around three, so we can take pictures and buy some souvenirs before the lines get too long. When the show's over, we'll hop on a bus again for dinner. I called this nice Italian restaurant and got us a table for four," Jimin says enthusiastically. Taehyung groans again, hearing Jimin's well thought out plan for this weekend. " everything okay?" Jimin says, "You were so excited a little while ago. Why do you sound so down in the dumps?"

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