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This one-shot is sort of a romance one and sort of not. It has Jicheol in it and it's definitely a major part of it, so I put it here. I still haven't decided whether it will stay here or I'll move it over to my Kpop one-shots. I'll decide later. This is inspired off of my old roleplay Blood Society and a movie series I've been watching recently about vampires. So, if you couldn't tell already, this one-shot is about vampires. It'll follow Chan, but the other SVT members will be mentioned or in it. I won't say any more than that, so let's get into the story.

Chan checks the time on his phone as he walks down the sidewalk. He sighs when he sees he's a couple of minutes late. He had tried to get ready and out of his apartment as fast as he could, but he still managed to be late. If it were any other day, for any other reason, he may not have minded as much. But, today is important. It's been five years since tragedy had struck his family. Losing not only one, but two sons. Leaving Chan an only sibling. It had happened in such a close time. The middle child first followed by the oldest of the three. In the span of a couple months, two young men lost their lives too early. Both killed in similar ways, on a road by a vehicle. The family had feared the Lee brothers were cursed and had locked Chan away for a couple weeks. They didn't want to lose another child. Chan, eventually, convinced them to let him go and promised to be safe. And he did. He lived his life and didn't die like his brothers had. It wasn't an easy task. Chan's hyungs were his everything. He missed them more than anything in the entire world. If he could wish for anything, it would be to have the two of them back. Chan knows it's impossible, but he can always wish. Chan sighs as he comes to a stop at the crosswalk. Cars whiz pass and people stand by his sides. It's the anniversary of his oldest brother's death today. Every year he meets up with his hyung's boyfriend to visit his grave and spend time reminiscing. It was nice. Chan didn't get to see Seungcheol often, the man had a life of his own even though Jihoon's death had heavily hit him. Chan still appreciates the man for honoring his brother in the way his family didn't often do. They still are afraid of the supposed curse the brothers have and the chance of it spilling to the others. Chan shakes his head, finding the notion unbelievable. Yes, the deaths of his brothers were sudden and shocking, but it was not due to any curse. It was just something that happened. "Chan!" A voice shouts from across the street. The young man looks up to see Seungcheol waving at him. Chan waves back, "I'll be over in a second, hyung!" Chan looks up at the stoplight and sees it change green. He takes a step onto the crosswalk and starts to walk to the other side of the street. He's barely halfway there when he hears shouting and the sound of screeching tires. Chan feels as if time slows and he looks to his right. His eyes widen and his blood runs cold as he sees a car heading right towards him. The last thing he thinks about are his brothers as the car makes contact with him and sends him flying.

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"Chan!" A voice says, "Chan, wake up! We need to go!" Chan groans and slowly opens his eyes. The squeezes his eyes shut again as the light assaults it. The voice huffs, "C'mon, Lee Chan! We don't have time! We need to get out of here so that they can do the switch." Chan groans again and slowly opens his eyes. He looks around at his surroundings and is surprised to see he's in an unfamiliar room. It's a small area with large white curtains on the walls. "Chan!" The voice exclaims. Chan turns and his eyes widen when he sees Seungcheol's distressed face. "Hyung? What happened? Where am I?" Chan asks, trying to remember what had happened before he ended up here. His head is fuzzy and he feels off. Something's different about him, but he can't pinpoint what. He knows it has something to do with what has happened. The last thing he seems to remember is crossing the street to meet up with Seungcheol. And then....then the car. Chan's eyes widen as it suddenly comes back to him. The shouts, the car, and the collision that had sent him flying. Chan looks down at himself and is shocked to see himself garbed in a black suit. What had happened? He had gotten hit by a car. He should be dead. How is he not? "Hyung, what's going on?" Chan questions.

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