Hold My Heart

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Hi, hi! I am back with another part of my Hyunchan one-shot series. If you haven't read my previous two one-shots, you should totally go check them out. They're called Wear My Heart on My Sleeves and Loving You is Easy. You don't need to read them before reading this one-shot, but it may make a tad bit more sense if you check those out before diving into this one. For those who have already read the first two, this takes place pretty much right after the events of the previous one-shot. With that said, let's get back into this crazy world of love confessions and unrequited love.

When Hyunjin was in elementary school, his parents got into one of the only arguments they ever had. Or at least that he ever witnessed. They had gone to the grocery store and they ran into his appa's first love. It was an awkward affair, with his father stuttering over his words and his eomma speaking formally through gritted teeth. Hyunjin didn't think it was a big deal, until they had returned home and his parents started shouting. His eomma yelled at his appa for being so attracted to his first love, while his father denied any feelings for any woman besides his wife, in a guilty tone.

Hyunjin was more confused at that moment than ever before. He knew how important a first love was, but to him it didn't matter whether it was the first or the thirtieth. Love was love. Something that grows and goes away, but most importantly, it stays when it's true. Hyunjin, at that age, didn't know much about love. But, he knew that his appa loved his eomma and not his first love. He knew because when someone falls in love with somebody new, the old love they had fades away. The feelings are just gone because that person loves this new person and not the old person. It's as simple as that. Little Hyunjin didn't know just how wrong he was. Cause love is a very complicated thing, and Hyunjin finds that out the hard way.


"Oh my gosh, stop it!" Hyunjin exclaims as he punches Chan's shoulder.

"I can't help it! You're so ticklish and your face gets all pouty and your little laugh. Ugh, you kill me, Hwang Hyunjin" Chan chuckles, "You're just so cute!" He throws his arms around his boyfriend and pulls him against his chest. Hyunjin sighs and shakes his head, but leans into the embrace with a smile as he places his head against Chan's broad shoulders. The two sit side by side on the big black couch in Chan's studio. They've been there for hours, basking in each other's presence, still riding off the high of becoming an item. "You are whipped for me," Hyunjin teases.

"Takes one to know one..." Chan murmurs as he tucks Hyunjin's head under his chin. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything in response. He just lets his eyes fall shut and relaxes. His lips curl into a smile and his heart thrills happily as Chan begins to link their fingers together. Hyunjin doesn't know how he ended up in this situation. After all the unrequited crushes he had, he had zero expectations for any of his affections to be returned. But, Chan surprised him. Just as falling in love with him surprised him too. He's known the older for so long and he's always loved him as a friend, but now his feelings towards him have become so much more. It's crazy and makes no sense, but Hyunjin couldn't care less. For a long while, he's felt alone and unlovable. Chan changed that. Chan filled his life with light and care. Chan made him realize that there's nothing wrong with wearing his heart on his sleeves, especially when there's someone around to protect it. "What are you thinking about?" Chan asks.

"Just us..." Hyunjin answers.

"Us, huh?" Chan questions before smiling, "I like that...that we're an us now..." Hyunjin giggles at those words and slowly sits up from where he's been laying on Chan's chest. He reaches a hand out to grasp at his neck and brings their faces close together. Chan hums happily as their foreheads press against one another. Their eyes lock on each other and dopey grins appear on their faces. "You have little stars in your eyes," Chan whispers as he reaches his own hand up to stroke at Hyunjin's hair.

One-Shot Book ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin