Met on That Bird App

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Hi, I am back with another one-shot. This one is Birdflash. Not a continuation of the last one that I wrote cause I feel like that although sad, it ended the way I wanted it to. AnaMariaAddams suggested that I do some more Birdflash and I am happy to oblige. This isn't set in specifically the comics or YJ world or anything. It's sort of just its own little world where they aren't heroes or anything. This one-shot will have all the Robins (Dick, Jason, Tim, Damien) in it and it's going to be hopefully humorous. With that said, let's get into it!

Jason crosses his arms, "So let me get this straight, you met a red-head..."

"Online," Tim continues with wide eyes.

"And you turned gay for him?" Damien finishes.

Dick sighs, "Okay, one, there's nothing wrong with red-heads."

"Of course you would say that," Jason cuts in, "You had a thing with Kori and Roy."

"I never had a thing with Roy," Dick says with furrowed brows.

Jason smirks, "He says otherwise." The brothers fall silent for a second, not knowing how to react. Dick coughs after a couple seconds, "Anyway...everyone meets people online nowadays. And for the record, I was gay before meeting Wally. What is wrong with you three? That's all you've got out of me saying that Wally is coming over." The four Wayne brothers are standing near the staircase discussing their dinner guest for tonight. "What else would you like us to say, Grayson?" Damien questions, "We know the guy less than you do."

"I don't know," Dick huffs, "Anything other than what you just said!"

"I am just worried about the fact that you've met this Wally online," Tim says, "Do you know how often people get catfished? Could you not have dated someone in the more traditional way?"

"Tried that," Dick says, "It didn't work."

"So you went searching on a stupid dating website?" Damien asks, "That's lame, Grayson. You're twenty."

"Well, I'm sorry! I was lonely!" Dick exclaims, "And, it's not like it turned out bad. Wally is a good guy. He's my age and he's cute."

"That is if he even is a dude," Tim says with narrowed eyes, "He could be some woman in her mid-50s that takes care of three cats and has arthritis."

"That's the stupidest thing you've ever said, Tim," Jason states.

"Shut up!" Tim exclaims, "You should be worried too!"

"I never said I wasn't," Jason says, "I think Dickie has lost his marbles."

"Hey!" Dick exclaims.

"C'mon, I wouldn't be a good brother if I weren't questioning your sanity," Jason says, "I mean...this is your first time meeting the dude. Why does it have to be here?"

"Right!" Damien states, "I agree with Todd. Why must you bring this red-head stranger into our home!?"

Dick shakes his head, "I wouldn't be bringing him here if I didn't really like him. You know that, don't you?" The three brothers nod, knowing that the oldest never brings anyone over unless he's sure he can trust them. "I know this is our first time meeting and it's unconventional to have that as a family dinner," Dick says, "But, I'm doing it cause I want you three and dad to be near me when he does come."

"Why?" Tim asks.

Dick lets out a breath, "Cause...I'm scared that I have been catfished. Wally has been this ray of light in my life and if he turns out to be nothing but a fake....I need you there to support me." The three brothers fall silent at his words. Even though they joke around a lot, they do deeply care about one another. They may not be related by blood, but they're family. They help each other and keep each other going. "Okay," Jason says, "We'll watch out for you."

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