Just End It

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Hello! I have two one-shots for you in honor of Valentine's Day. They have nothing to do with each other except for the fact that they are about the same ship. The stories are entirely different from one another. This one is more angsty and very dramatic and sad. The other one will be a bit more fun and romantic. I will release the second one actually on Valentine's Day, so please look forward to that. I couldn't decide which ship to write for these one-shots, I was bouncing back and forth between a bunch and I ended up just deciding to go with Minjoon. It's like my staple ship and I haven't written a one-shot for it in a hot second, so why not? I'm not going to say much about it, especially since a lot happens and I think it's more enjoyable if you just read it.

Namjoon is cursed. He is sure of it. He has a bad reputation when it comes to relationships. His previous partners either never paid him much attention or broke up with him because they fell for another. He didn't understand why or how it could keep happening. Each time he met someone new, he thought that they would be different from the last. They never were. That is until he met Park Jimin. He was like an angel come to life. Sweet, kind, loving, thoughtful. Everything that Namjoon could have hoped and wished for. The best part is that he actually loved Namjoon. He wouldn't hesitate to show him constant affection. Quick kisses on the cheek, warm hugs, and sweet-nothings whispered into his ear. Jimin was amazing. He never wavered. He loved Namjoon completely, fully, and with everything in him. For once in his life, Namjoon was happy and satisfied. He had a boyfriend that adored him. He was finally in a stable, love-filled relationship. He didn't have a doubt in his mind then that this relationship would be one that would last forever. He could see himself and Jimin spending the rest of their lives together. It was such a beautiful image. But, none of it was real.

It was a figment of Namjoon's imagination. Something that was never bound to happen. Why? It's simple. Namjoon is cursed. Set to live a lonely, unloved life. He doesn't know why he expected anything to be different. After all he's gone through, he should have seen it coming. But, he didn't. Why? Cause he had hope for the first time. He had hoped that Jimin was sincere with his feelings. He believed that their relationship was better than any other he's been in. He thought that they were doing just fine. That they were still in love.

He's been so blind. He let his hope blind him from the truth. The truth that Jimin started drifting from him. The truth that his supposed steady boyfriend wavered. Namjoon should have seen it. He should have recognized the forced smiles. He should have realized the excuses. He should have known that Jimin's apparent love for him was now history.

When he had discovered Jimin's secret, he had ignored it at first. He had hoped that Jimin would realize what he had done and stop. He had prayed that his boyfriend would stop. He didn't. If anything, Jimin started to go out more. He would stay out even later. He would be on his phone twenty four seven. He would ignore Namjoon. At that point, he had to accept what was going on as reality. Jimin is cheating on him.

Even with this knowledge, Namjoon had remained silent about the truth he now knew. He doesn't know why. Maybe, he was just hoping for a miracle. He was hoping that he was just mistaken and that Jimin still loved him. He wanted things to be different. He wanted their relationship to work out. But, it wasn't going to. No matter how much Namjoon wished or prayed or needed for things to go back to the way they were. Nothing was going to change. Namjoon is still in the same situation he's always been in. Forever cursed.


Namjoon sits with his shoulders stiff and his gaze locked on the wall across from him. It's the middle of the night and he is on his couch in the dark, the only light coming from the streetlights outside. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's starting to regret sitting here, but at the same time not. He needs to do this. He's been putting it off for far too long. How much longer is he going to torture himself like this? He can't keep doing this to himself. He can't keep living like this. Even if he just wants to live in a beautiful fantasy world. Just then, the front door unlocks and slowly swings open. Namjoon's blood freezes and his heart thumps in his chest. He forces himself to breathe, trying his best to calm himself down. You can't back down, Kim Namjoon. Not now. He remains still and completely silent as his boyfriend enters their shared apartment. Jimin hums under his breath as he kicks his shoes off and makes his way past the living room. He doesn't seem to notice Namjoon as he tiptoes towards the bathroom. Namjoon takes a shaky breath before speaking in a clear tone, "How is Yoongi?" Jimin jumps at the sound of his voice and quickly whips his head to glance at him. He lets out a sigh when he sees Namjoon's shadowy figure on the couch. "W-what are you doing up?" Jimin asks, ignoring his boyfriend's previous question.

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