What Can a Man Teach an Elf?

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Hello readers! I hope you are all doing well. I have a new one-shot for you with another ship that I haven't written about in a while. I recently read the whole Lord of the Rings series and The Hobbit as well. That has led to a rekindling of my obsession of Aragorn x Legolas! There is just not enough like canon moments between them in the books or the movies, so I ship them even more because I'm so deprived of any interactions. Anyway, if you remember, my last one-shot was pretty angsty. This one is definitely less of that and more sort of like a reunion between old friends...or maybe old flames? I guess you'll have to read and find out. I hope you enjoy it!

"Go north. Find the Dúnedain. There is a young ranger amongst them you should meet. His father Arathorn was a great man, his son might grow to be a great one."

"What is his name?"

"He is known in the wild as Strider. His true name, you must discover for yourself..."

As Legolas walks into The Prancing Pony, he pulls his hood off his head. Water drips from the edges of his cloak, having endured the never-ending thunderstorm for the past few hours. The pub is buzzing with energy as drunk hobbits dance upon tabletops and sing with glee. Legolas slips past them with ease, making his way to the front desk where the innkeeper sits. "I am looking for a ranger," Legolas says, "He goes by the name Strider. I have been told he frequents this establishment."

The innkeeper looks up at him with a raised eyebrow, "What business does an elf have with a ranger?"

"That is between said ranger and myself," Legolas replies with ease. The innkeeper slowly nods his head and stands from his seat in order to better address his guest. "You're lucky," The innkeeper states, "Strider comes in at around this hour. You should catch him."

"Thank you," Legolas says, "When he does arrive, would you mind informing him that I wish to speak with him?"

"Will do," The innkeeper answers. Legolas flashes the man an appreciative glance before walking over to a table in the corner. He lowers himself into the seat and lets out a breath. His journey has been long and he hasn't had much chance to relax. He just hopes that it will all be worth it. He hopes that there is a reason his father told him to search for this man. Legolas lets his eyes fall shut and the sounds of the bustling bar fade away, focusing on the sounds of the rain pattering against the window and the wind rustling through the leaves on the trees. It brings him peace amongst the chaotic undertakings of the halflings in the crowded pub. It relaxes his nerves that began as soon as he heard Strider would be arriving momentarily. He doesn't know why he is anxious. He has met people of much higher caliber before. He shouldn't be worried about some ranger. But, he couldn't help the feeling swirling around in his chest. The nervousness of possibly finding a new friend. Someone else to get close to and ultimately loose. Legolas lets out a breath and shakes his head, pushing his silly thoughts to the side. Now isn't the time to let his emotions get the best of him. "I was told you wished to speak with me," A gruff voice says.

"Yes," Legolas nods before slowly opening his eyes. He looks up at the man standing before him, garbed in the usual outfit of a ranger. His hair is sopping wet and his face rough and unshaved. And his eyes. His eyes are warm and filled with this sliver of hidden ambition. Eyes that he recognizes. Eyes that he could never forget.


When Legolas first arrived in Rivendell, he had been met by Elrond and his family. Elladan and Elrohir. His beautiful daughter, Arwen. And one who he never expected to see. A man. A mere child at the time. His name was Estel. He was the adopted child of Elrond. And he was the bane of Legolas's existence. From the second they met; the young man was set on proving that he was better than the elven prince. He would taunt him endlessly, goad him in an attempt to get a rise out of him. Estel was immature and young.

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