See You a Thousand Times

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Hello, Moonfaries. Yes, I am back with another Minjoon romance one-shot. I'll be honest with you, I actually didn't have this one planned out. It came to me on a whim, thanks to the lovely members of the MJC on ARA. You should definitely join our club on Amino if you love Minjoon. Anyway, with that said, this one-shot was inspired off of the picture I included above. It's based off of the movie 50 First Dates. It will be a bit bitter sweet, so I hope you enjoy it. Let's get into the story.

Jimin can remember the first day he met Namjoon. He went to the park on a whim. He just felt like he wanted to get out of the house. It was quiet and a little chilly outside. There wasn't anyone else at the park, so he was enjoying a pretty peaceful walk. He had faintly heard the sounds of water and followed it like it was from Pied Piper's pipe. As he got closer, the sound got louder, drawing him in. He walked over a hill and eventually the lake came into view. It wasn't fairly large and there were large blackish-gray rocks lining the shore. Sitting on one of the rocks was a man. He wore a green coat and his hair was dyed blond. Jimin took a step forward and his foot hit a dead leaf. The crunch it made echoed and the man turned to look behind him. Jimin locked eyes with the man. It felt as if time had frozen. It was as if it were only the two of them in the entire world. Jimin was entranced. It was like this man was a siren and he was dragging Jimin to him. Jimin shook his head, breaking the gaze from the man. He was about to turn away, but something made him stop. That day, he had walked straight to where that man sat and flashed him a friendly smile. He told him a joke and the man returned it with equal banter. Jimin was in a giggling fit instantly and it was joined by the tinkling bells of the man's own laughter. They had introduced themselves to one another and it was then that Jimin knew Kim Namjoon was special. They stayed there for hours talking about every little thing. Their favorite color or why the stars in the sky shined. Time passed quicker than either of them had expected. It was late afternoon when Namjoon said that he had to get home. They had exchanged phone numbers and both promised to meet back here tomorrow. Jimin had went back home with the largest smile on his face. Taehyung had thought he lost it and to be honest Jimin had. Namjoon was something special. He really was.


That was over two weeks ago, Jimin smiles as he walks down the hill, remembering the first time he did this. Namjoon and he have been meeting up every day since then. It's been crazy. Unreal. A tale from a storybook. Jimin's never been a diehard romantic. He's never believed in love at first sight. But, that's what it was. It was like everything was perfect the second they laid eyes on each other. Yes, it's cheesy. And yes, maybe a tad bit unbelievable. But, it's all true. Jimin has never felt this way before about anyone. Namjoon is different. Namjoon is...there are no words to explain him. He's the sky and the moon. He's the galaxy and the people. He's the heart and the soul. He's Kim Namjoon. Jimin smiles as he spots Namjoon, sitting on the rock with his green jacket snugly on. He quietly makes his way over and stands there for a second. Just watching Namjoon. The older has his eyes closed and a peaceful smile on his face. His dimples peek out just a little bit and it makes Jimin's heart race. Namjoon breathes in the fresh air and lets it out before opening his eyes. Jimin smiles and moves so he stand right beside Namjoon, "What are you thinking about?"

Namjoon's eyes widen and his head whips to the right, "Oh, I didn't even notice you there..."

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Jimin asks.

"Oh, no, not at all," Namjoon says, "As to your question...nothing..." He laughs a little and flashes Jimin a grin. "It's kinda silly, but I'm really not thinking of anything. My mind is empty and clear and at peace," Namjoon says.

"That sounds really nice," Jimin replies.

"It is," Namjoon nods, "Oh, I'm so sorry...I've been so rude. I never introduced myself. My name is Kim Namjoon." The man sticks his hand out and Jimin takes it. Jimin shakes it and lets his touch linger for a second, which Namjoon doesn't notice. "Nice to meet you, I'm Park Jimin," Jimin says with a smile. He had hoped by some miracle, it wouldn't happen again. This wouldn't happen again. He wouldn't have to go through this, but here he is. You don't deserve any of this. Namjoon is everything. He's the best of the world. But, the best always seem to suffer the most.

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