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Hello everyone! This is a Snowbarry one-shot that I've been wanting to write for a while. I hope that you all enjoy it.

Caitlin's POV

I sigh as I walk away from the park and towards the coffee shop. I had just broke up with my boyfriend of three years. I loved Ronnie. I really did. That's not why I broke up with him. No, he didn't cheat on me either. I broke up with him because I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life with him. He would always talk about kids and marriage and growing old together. I tried to imagine it. I really did, but I just couldn't. Of course, I could see all of those things happening. I dreamed of those things. But, not with Ronnie. So, here I am walking away from a relationship that has been a major part of my life. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt. I shake my head as I near Jitters. Now that I didn't have a boyfriend I could focus on myself more. Maybe pick up a good book. Make some new friends. Go to a, who am I kidding. I'm probably going to be more focused on work than anything else. Which isn't a bad thing. I have an important job at Star Labs. I'm working with Dr. Harrison Wells to build a particle accelerator. A bell jingles as I enter the coffee shop. "Hello, welcome to Jitters. What can I get you?" a lady asks. As I walk closer to her I am able to make out the name on her name tag, Iris. "Hi. Can I have a small latte, please?" I ask.

"Coming right up," Iris says turning around and grabbing a cup, "Oh, that'll be $3.75" I nod my head and hand her the cash. She takes it and gives me a smile, "This will only take a minute." I nod my head and turn around. The entire place was packed. There didn't seem to be any empty seats. "Miss, your latte," Iris says.

"Thank you," I say taking the cup from her hand.

Iris nods her head, "Oh, if you're looking for a place to sit, there's an empty seat next to that guy over there." I look to where she is pointing and nod my head. I smile at Iris before walking over to the table where the guy is sitting. The guy is looking down at his coffee cup. He doesn't seem to notice that I've approached him. He honestly seems to be in his own little world. I cough, "Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit here?" The guy looks up at me and hesitates for a minute before nodding. "Thank you," I say pulling out the chair and sitting down, "I'm Caitlin, by the way. Caitlin Snow."

"It's nice to meet you Miss Snow. I'm Barry. Allen," Barry says with a smile. We fall into an easy conversation. We had a lot more in common than I had first thought. I began to tell him about Ronnie and how that relationship had turned out. I know that I had only just met him, but he seems like someone I can trust. "I feel you. I'm not doing that well in the relationship field either. You see that barista over there. Yeah, well I've known her since we were little. We pretty much grew up together. I've had a crush on her for the longest time. I decided to tell her about it today. And, lucky me, got turned down. She already has a boyfriend and sees me as her brother," Barry says with a sigh. I nod my head listening to all he has to say. He's talking about Iris, I'm pretty sure. "Well, maybe it's for the best. Maybe this is a sign, that there is someone better out there for you to love. You shouldn't be all down in the dumps just because of this one girl. You're handsome and good looking. Not to mention really smart and funny. I'm sure there are a bunch of girls willing to go out with you," I say earnestly.

Barry smirks, "Even you?"

I flush, "Maybe. Is that your way of asking me out on a date?"

"Maybe," Barry replies with a grin.

Year Later

A year ago I walked into Jitters and met the man that I would love for the rest of my life. It took us a while to get it all figured out, but we worked it out. Now I was currently taking a stroll with my boyfriend around the park. "Are you excited for tomorrow?" Barry asks. I nod my head. After a year of hard work, the particle accelerator is complete and ready to be shown to the public. We would be showing it to the rest of the world tomorrow. Hopefully, it would all go smoothly. "I'm a bit nervous. I hope nothing goes wrong," I say gently squeezing Barry's hand.

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