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I said I was going to go on a bit of a break. As you can see, I lied. Well, not really. This is going to be the last one-shot for a while. I just really wanted to get this story out while it's still fresh in my mind. It's another Minjoon one-shot. I hope you all like it. Also, mild warning, it isn't exactly mature, but if you're squeamish you may want to approach this with caution. I mention ear infections and things like that, nothing too severe, but I thought it would be best to inform you.

*Dedicated to my father*
We'll always hear you and be here for you, even if you don't hear us.

Namjoon sits on the couch with his elbows on his knees. He lets out a shaky breath and moves his finger to his ear. He winces as he feels a sharp pain course through it. He closes his eyes shut and waits for the pain to fade away. He has hidden it for so long. He doesn't know how much longer he will be able to keep it up. "I'm back," Jimin states as he comes through the front door. He kicks off his shoes and makes his way towards the living room. Namjoon doesn't notice the new entity in the room. Jimin frowns when Namjoon doesn't take notice in his appearance. He takes a seat on the couch beside Namjoon and gently taps him. Namjoon turns to look at him and his eyes widen, "Jimin...oh...when did you get back? I-I didn't notice you..." Namjoon avoids Jimin's eyes and doesn't move his hand from his ear. Jimin doesn't comment on it, thinking it to just be a nervous tick that Namjoon has always had. Still, Namjoon was acting a bit off. "Is something wrong, Joonie hyung?" Jimin questions.

"What? Of course not. Everything is just fine," Namjoon replies. He stares at his feet and his mouth twitches as he feels some more pain. Jimin looks at Namjoon with worry, "Hyungie. I know you really well. I know when you're lying to me. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Jimin. Nothing you should worry about," Namjoon says.

Jimin huffs, "If it has something to do with you, it's something that I should and will worry about. Let me help you. Tell me what's bothering you." Namjoon bites his lip and takes a deep breath, still a tad bit hesitant to tell Jimin the whole truth. Jimin grabs Namjoon's free hand and kisses it. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. I'm sorry for pushing you to answer me," Jimin says in a soft tone. Namjoon squeezes Jimin's hand and shakes his head. "No, I should tell you," Namjoon states, "We've been together for a while, you deserve to know..." Jimin nods his head and scoots a bit closer to Namjoon. He looks Namjoon in the eye and gives him his utmost attention. Namjoon takes a deep breath and slowly removes his finger from his ear. He doesn't even look at his fingertip before showing it to Jimin. Jimin's eye widen and he stands up immediately. He rushes into the kitchen and grabs a bunch of tissues. "Hyung! You're bleeding! What happened!? Why is your ear bleeding?" Jimin shrieks, wiping the blood from Namjoon's finger. He reaches to touch his ear gently and places a few tissues over it. Namjoon winces a little at Jimin's touch. Jimin notices his reaction and lessens the amount of pressure he applies to Namjoon's ear. Namjoon gives him a thankful look and a small smile. "It felt clogged. I-I couldn't hear, so I tried to clear it....my ear started bleeding..." Namjoon explains.

Jimin shakes his head, "Hyung....you can't just do that sort of thing. We should take you to a doctor. I don't really know if the bleeding will stop or not. The doctor may have an idea on what would be best."

"No!" Namjoon exclaims. Jimin blinks a couple of times, surprised by Namjoon's outburst. "Joon, you're bleeding. You need to see a doctor. Your ear shouldn't be bleeding," Jimin says in a calm voice.

Namjoon bites his lip, "I-I can't, Jimin. It won't do any good anyway. I've been to a couple doctors already. They've all told me the same thing."

"This has happened before?! How come you've never told me?" Jimin asks.

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