Start Again

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Hello! I have a one-shot for you that isn't super romance based. It focuses more on a brotherly/sibling relationship which is like one of my favorite types of relationships. It's set in the world of Start Up, which is a Kdrama I binge watched recently. I really enjoyed it and what stood out to me the most wasn't the main relationships, but rather the parts with Jipyeong and Dosan acting like chaotic siblings. I think the show would've been so much better if we got more moments like this, but I get that they were competing for Dalmi's affections. This fic isn't about that. It's sort of this what if like story where we get to see how the events of the show would have changed if Jipyeong and Dosan met earlier and actually became close friends. It's going to be a lot of fun, so I hope you enjoy it!

15 years ago

Jipyeong grabs his instant noodles and drink after having paid for it at the convenience store. It's late out and his dinner for the night isn't exactly a great one, but it's cheap and fills his stomach. He brings it over to the water station to fill it up with hot water, before going to take a seat at one of the booths near the window in the store. Jipyeong breaks his wooden chopsticks apart before peeling back the lid of the instant noodles. He grabs his utensils and picks at the noodles, blowing at it releasing a puff of steam. He opens his mouth and is about to shovel the food into his mouth, but stops when he feels someone watching him. He frowns, sticking his chopsticks into the bowl and looking around. There's no one else in the store except for the worker, who is playing on his phone. Jipyeong shrugs and turns to face forward again. He starts to pick up his chopsticks again when he gets that feeling again. He lifts his head up and stares through the glass and instantly meets the eyes of a young boy sitting at one of the outside tables. He has a backpack on and a medium sized suitcase beside him. Jipyeong eyebrows furrow, wondering what was with this kid. He knocks against the window, startling the boy outside and making him look away in embarrassment. Jipyeong scoffs before calling out to the boy, "Hey! What are you looking at?" The boy slowly looks up again and his eyes immediately land on the bowl of noodles. His eyes widen as he stares at the steaming bowl of noodles. "Is he hungry?" Jipyeong asks himself, looking at the boy with intrigue. He purses his lips together before sighing, not understanding why he's doing this. He gestures for the boy to come in. The boy looks surprised, but does as he says. Jipyeong turns to greet the boy as he tentatively walks into the store and over to him. "Hello," The boy says.

"Hi," Jipyeong says, "What's your name?"

"Nam Dosan," The boy answers. Jipyeong's eyes raise in surprise at the name. He instantly scans the child up and down, checking to see if he really is the same kid from that newspaper. Much to his shock, he is. Why would a kid like him be in this place all alone with a bunch of suitcases? Did he run away? Why would he do that? "Are you hungry, Nam Dosan?" Jipyeong asks.

Dosan nods, "I...I haven't eaten since I left home."

"Did you run away?" Jipyeong asks.

"Yes," Dosan murmurs.

"Why?" Jipyeong questions.

"Appa was mad that I quit school," Dosan replies.

"You quit school?" Jipyeong questions.

"I quit college," Dosan states. Jipyeong blinks a couple of times, wondering if he heard that right. Then again, that kid did win a Mathematics Olympiad. He's probably pretty smart. "Do you want this?" Jipyeong asks, pointing to the bowl of instant noodles. Dosan can't help himself but nod. "Take it," Jipyeong says, patting the seat beside him.

"R-really?" Dosan questions, "But, what about you?"

"I can just buy another," Jipyeong answers as the boy takes a seat. He pushes the steaming bowl in front of the young boy before standing up to go buy another instant noodle. "Thank you, hyung!" Dosan chirps before digging into the food with vigor. Jipyeong sighs as he makes his way down the aisle, not understanding why he did something like that. He isn't the type of person to go out of his way to help others. Maybe, it was cause of what he did with Nam Dosan's name. Maybe, he carried some guilt from using someone else's name in the way he did without their permission. This was just his way of saying thanks for letting him use it and stuff. Yeah, that's probably it. Whatever. It's just a bowl of instant ramen. No big deal.

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