Love! I'm Home!

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Hello! I am back with another one-shot. This one is Jikook themed. I haven't written anything for this ship in ages, so this one is going to be a tad bit longer. I hope none of you mind. I stumbled across this prompt online and just fell in love with it. I couldn't decide what ship to use for a while and then it suddenly dawned on me, Jikook would be absolutely adorable and totally fits. Thus, this one-shot has been born. I'm not going to say exactly what the prompt is cause it sort of ruins the story, so let's get into it.

Jeon Jungkook is a simple young man. He goes to college in Seoul alongside his friend Kim Taehyung. He lives in an apartment about a thirty minute drive from his older brother and his boyfriend's flat. He enjoys video games and grilled meat. He likes boxing, finding the rush of adrenaline amazing. He frequents a dance studio in town run by another friend of his. He prefers to be home than stay out, something his friends say he picked up from his hyung. He likes comfortable clothes in shades of black or gray. Oh and the most important aspect of his life. He has been terribly alone...terribly single for most of his twenty three years of life. It probably doesn't seem like that big of a deal considering his age. He's young. He's got plenty of years left to date. He's stressing over nothing. Except for Jungkook, it isn't nothing. He's one of those people, the ones with stars in their eyes when they hear about love. The ones who dream about that first kiss or even the first touch. The one that gushes at others stories about love. The one who wants nothing more than to find a love of their own. Jungkook is that person. For as long as he could remember, he is that person. He's not ashamed to admit it either. After all, what's wrong with loving love? Sure, it makes him come across as a bit naive and ditsy. And yes, his hyungs tease him about it all the time. But, none of that will make him stop dreaming about his own happily ever after. After all, his pessimistic brother found the love of his life. Why couldn't he? There's this habit of his that he's developed because of his craving for a love story of his own. Kind of like brushing your teeth in the morning. Jungkook, every day when he returns to his apartment, calls out to his imaginary partner. You eat three meals a day and Jungkook announces he is home to his boyfriend that doesn't exist. He started it a couple years ago and it just stuck. No matter what, he would yell out of his return to a significant other that isn't real. This is what his hyung liked to tease him most about. Yoongi had found his dongseong's actions absolutely ridiculous. It made him look real stupid to speak to someone that isn't really there. His hyung's boyfriend, Namjoon, thought it was cute though. The dimpled man found it sweet and would scold Yoongi for being so harsh to Jungkook. He would always say that love is a wonderful thing and the fact that Jungkook treasures it so is admirable. Yoongi would roll his eyes at that, but Jungkook always appreciated Namjoon's words. It made him feel a little less self-conscious and silly when doing his daily routine. Of course, he never received an answer and Jungkook was fine with that. He knows that one day, he will get to hear the sweet voice of his lover when he returns home. He just didn't expect it to be so soon.


Jungkook unlocks the front door to his apartment and opens the door. He tosses his bag onto the floor of the foyer, not having any assignments to work on over the weekend. He sighs as he kicks off his shoes and pushes them to the corner before walking towards the couch. "Hey, love, I'm home!" Jungkook calls out in a tired tone as he flops onto the couch. He lets his eyes fall shut as he buries his face into a pillow. "I got some lamb skewers from that place you like on my way back from class," A voice says. Jungkook doesn't pay it much mind for a second, too tired and out of it to register that someone has just answered him. He turns a bit on the couch, trying to get comfortable when it dawns on him that someone just spoke to him. His eyes shoot open and his shoulders become taunt. There's no way that someone just talked to him. There's no one else in his apartment. It's impossible. Jungkook has to be hearing things. He's hallucinating or something. He's asleep and dreaming. That has to be it. There isn't anyone actually here. No one is here except for himself. He's just going crazy. "Bun?" The voice questions, "Did you hear me?" Or not. Jungkook sits up and pushes himself up from the couch. He quietly tiptoes in the direction that he heard the voice, which is near his kitchen. He peeks around the wall and stiffens when he sees a young man around his hyung's height with black hair. He is unpacking take out containers of rice and meat from a large brown paper bag. He is garbed in an oversized sweater that shows off his collarbones and form fitting ripped black pants. If this were any other situation, Jungkook would turn red cause of how good looking the guy in his kitchen is. Okay, he still is turning a tad bit pink, but right now his heart is racing a mile a minute and it isn't cause he's flustered. There's a stranger in his kitchen. How in the world is there are very hot stranger in his kitchen? How did he get in here? What is Jungkook supposed to do? Is he supposed to call the cops? Should he call the cops? "Bun? What are you doing?" The young man says, his eyes locked on Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes widen as he stares back at him, not knowing what to do or say. "Is everything okay?" The young man asks with concern in his voice. Jungkook doesn't say anything as he turns around and makes a mad dash into his room. He slams the door shut behind him and locks the door. His eyes dart back and forth for a bit before he takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself down. He reaches into his sweatshirt pocket and pulls out his phone. His hands are a bit jittery as he taps at the screen. He slowly brings his phone to his ear and lets out a breath as he waits for his call to be picked up. "What?" A gruff voice says as the phone call is answered.

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