Hypothetical Boyfriend

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Hello! I am back with another one-shot. I think you all expect this now, but it's another BTS ship. I think I'm going to start posting only the BTS one-shots that I like the most or the ones that people recommend. I probably will have more and you can find those in my BTS one-shot story. Now, this one-shot is another Minjoon one. Minjoon is one of my favorite ships so, I hope you enjoy this. Also, side note, all of Jimin's thoughts will be in italics. I never found the need to do this before because I found it rather obvious. I will still say it, none of these events are real and are all fictional. I ship respectfully and in no way mean to offend the members of BTS. Let's get into the one-shot.

Jimin's POV

I groan as the sound of the doorbell echoes throughout my lonely apartment. I don't move to see who is at the door and glance at my clock. It reads 6:30 am. I huff and bury my face into my pillow. Who in the world decided it was a good idea to come to my home and wake me up at freaking 6:30 in the morning!? It's a Saturday! I deserve to sleep in. I groan again as the doorbell is rung once more. I sit up with an annoyed expression and pull off my blankets. I get out of bed and make my way to the front of my home. I unlock the front door and yank it open. I open my mouth to start yelling at the person, but I stop when I realize who it is. "Hyung?" I ask, "What are you doing here? Why did you wake me up so early? Is something wrong?"

Namjoon smiles and shakes his head, "Nothing is wrong, love. I went out and got us breakfast for your birthday. Do you mind letting me in? It's cold out here." I blink a couple of times, did Namjoon just call me love? I stand to the side and he walks into my apartment. He gently kisses my cheek before slipping off his shoes. I gape at his actions and feel a small blush rise to my cheeks. Namjoon doesn't say anything and makes his way into my small kitchen. He places two bags onto the counter and reaches into one of them. He pulls out a couple of containers and a stack of napkins. I shake my head and walk over to where Namjoon is standing. "Why did you do that?" I question him.

"Do what?" Namjoon asks, confused. He takes out two wooden chopsticks and some plastic spoons. He opens a container and pushes it towards me. I look down and see that it is full of seaweed soup. He opens up a container of rice and some kimchi. "Kiss me! Call me love!" I shriek, "What the heck was that about?"

Namjoon sighs, "It's part of your birthday present." My birthday present! What type of birthday present was that! Is he trying to give me a heart attack!? "What do you mean my birthday present?" I ask, "I didn't expect one of my friends to kiss my cheek as a birthday gift..."

"Was it that bad?" Namjoon asks, "I won't do it again, if you don't want me to..." No! It was great. You should definitely kiss me on the cheek more often! I want you to kiss me on the cheek everytime we see each other. Oh my gosh, I sound like a lovesick psycho. "It's not that....it just surprised me," I say, "Why would you do it again? We're just friends..."

"As I said before, it's your birthday present," Namjoon states.

I give him a deadpan gaze, "Elaborate, hyung. What is that birthday present?"

Namjoon nods, "I'll explain while we eat breakfast. Come on, drink up before you're soup gets cold." I sigh and pick up a spoon. I sip the soup and use the chopsticks to put some rice into my mouth. Namjoon does the same and opens up a container with some grilled short ribs in it. We both reach for a piece at the same time. Our chopsticks clash with each other and we quickly pull away. Namjoon gestures to me and I give him a smile. I pick up a piece of meat and Namjoon does the same after me. "Alright, let me explain," Namjoon says, "We've been friend for a long time. For as long as I can remember, you've said you want to spend your birthday with a guy you love. Your boyfriend to be exact. Every time your birthday approaches, you complain about having to spend it as a single pringle. I hadn't gotten you a birthday gift yet, when I got an idea. I was thinking that for today I would be your boyfriend. We could do everything that a normal couple would do, but just for today. Think of it as me being your hypothetical boyfriend."

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