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Hi! I am back with a new one-shot for you all. This one is also not romance themed but rather centered around found family and the connections between father/son. I am considering making a completely separate one-shot book cause I realize that I have a lot of these. Or maybe just changing the title of this book and calling it my one-shots rather than romance one-shots. Most of my one-shots do tend to focus on romance so it would still remain as such, but I'm still thinking about it. I will let you know what I decide. Until then, these are just going to all go into this story. Anyway, this one-shot is centered around the anime My Hero Academia. I don't believe I've done a one-shot for this show yet, so this is pretty cool. This story is centered around Todoroki Shouto and Aizawa. I somehow, as I always seem to do, stumbled into the whole of Shouto being adopted by Aizawa tag on Ao3 and it drew me in. And thus this one-shot was born. I don't have much to say other than that, this author's note is already pretty long, so I'll just get right into it!

As a hero, Shouta Aizawa has been forced to make many decisions. From that split second choice to dodge when a villain swiped for his chest, to that instantaneous movement into the crumbling building. Even if some of his choices have saved lives, he can't say that he is proud of each one he has made. He has made many mistakes. Too many for someone with responsibilities like him. But there are some decisions that he has made that he wears like a badge of honor. His persistence on going to UA even when everyone told him his quirk wasn't suited for heroics. Somehow befriending Hizashi and Oboro. His decision to become an underground hero and slip into the shadows. The day he struck up a conversation with Todoroki Rei and began an unexpected friendship. His choice to make a promise to the same woman in the middle of the night over the phone in a comforting tone. Finally, fulfilling that very promise by taking down a false hero and sending him to jail. And taking in Rei's child as his own during the boy's final year of middle school. The struggle of having a son for the first time. One with fears and doubts that mirrored his own far too well. The time and care it took to bond with Shouto, giving him the family life, he deserved. The father that he deserved. Teaching his son in that one year and training him properly to enter UA. Getting to see first-hand as both a teacher and a father how Shouto flourishes as a hero student. And finally, his most recent decision. Agreeing to take in a little girl named Eri as soon as he was asked.

When the doctors approached him about Eri, Aizawa was stunned. He didn't know what to think or really say. He knew the basics about the young girl. She had a powerful quirk that she didn't know how to control. That she could hurt others and herself and that's why he needed to be around to cancel it. The fact that Chisaki was using her to develop quirk canceling weapons. That she was being abused. But he had no idea to what extent. When he walked into the hospital room, he was stunned to say the least. Eri is so young. So full of fear. The second that Aizawa looked at her, he knew that he had to take her in. She reminded him so much of Shouto. And if he was able to give the teen a place to call home, he wants to do the same with this little girl.

He tried his best to prepare for Eri. Thankfully, his apartment on campus was more than large enough to accompany another person. Still, he knew that it wouldn't be easy. Eri was easily frightened and introducing her to large groups of people so soon wasn't a good idea. That is why Aizawa made the decision to give Eri as much time as she needed to become acclimated to her new surroundings. He also wanted to make sure that she could trust him. He needed to bond with the young girl similar to how he had with Shouto. That is why he had asked his son not to come back home or seek him out. This way Eri can fully adjust to her new home and her new guardian without any stresses or pressure. So far, his decisions have paid off. Eri has slowly begun to open up, calling the Aizawa household her home and trusting the hero Eraserhead like a father. It definitely helped that Midoriya and Mirio were there to guide her along the way. There were still some days where things were difficult, but Aizawa knew that they would be able to get there. Just seeing Eri as she scribbled pictures using a wide variety of pastel-colored crayons brought a smile to his face. Especially when he thought about seeing Shouto sitting right by his new little sister's side with a soft smile of his own. Although a part of him worries for Shouto, Aizawa knows that his kid can manage just fine. It's only for a little bit longer anyway. Eri is making improvements. She recently went to the UA festival and things went very well. Aizawa is sure that after another week or two, Eri will be ready to meet her older brother.

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