Nothing Bad Can Happen

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Happy Valentine's Day. I have another romance one-shot for you. This one is some Wolfstar. I love this ship. It has such a special spot in my heart. I'm really excited to be writing it. I hope that you enjoy this story. It takes place in the Marauder Era, so pre Harry Potter. Alright, let's get into it!

Remus tosses and turns in his bed. He rips the blankets off of himself and sweat trickles down his brow. He murmurs under his breath and his face contorts in pain. Sirius frowns, sensing the movement of his boyfriend beside him. He slowly sits up and looks to his left. His expression softens when he sees Remus's distressed state. He reaches over and starts to shake him. "Moony...Rem...wake up," Sirius says in a quiet tone. It takes a while, but eventually Remus wakes up. The young man shoots up and his eyes start to fill with liquid. Sirius is right by his side and starts to rub his hand on Remus's back. He whispers sweet-nothings into the others ear and coos. "It's was only a dream..." Sirius mutters, "It's okay. You're okay. Nothing's going to get you Rem. You're safe. I'm here." Remus's breathing becomes labored and he throws his entire body into Sirius's embrace. The other doesn't seem to mind and squeezes the other. After a few more minutes, Remus calms down a little. He only sniffles and shivers, which Sirius fixes by wrapping all the blankets around the young werewolf. "Do you want to talk about it?" Sirius asks. Remus nods his head tentatively and opens his mouth to answer. Before he can, the sounds of the Marauders divert the couple's attention. Peter turns around in his bed and lets out a snore, not at all bothered by the two. James, on the other hand, huffs, "If you're going to snog all night least cast a silencing charm. Some of us want to sleep..." Sirius says before reaching for his wand and quickly casting the charm. He places it back down and focuses his attention on his frightened boyfriend. "Go ahead, I'm listening," Sirius says.

Remus nods and speaks quickly, "It wasn't just a nightmare. It felt so real. I don't know when it was or where it was, but it was bad. There was so much screaming. Flashing lights. Blood. Dark figures. Lightning bolts. Moons. A Grim. much screaming. Chains. Cell bars. Snakes. Rats. Werewolves. Magic. Screams. Pain. Agony. More and more screams...." Sirius looks to Remus as the young man starts to become a tad bit hysterical. Remus lists more and more things that he had seen. Duels. Bullies. Fires. Wanted. Injuries. Grief. Loss. Betrayal. He had seen it all. "The sounded like them...there were so many, but I could recognize some of them," Remus says, his eyes blank, "I heard your voice. I-I think y-you died..." Sirius sighs and wraps Remus into another tight embrace. "It was only a dream. I'm right here. I'm not hurt. No one is hurt. We're safe," Sirius says.

Remus shakes his head, "We won't be..."

"What do you mean by that?" Sirius asks.

Remus bites his lip, "It was like a precognition. It was like I was seeing the future..."

"Like a seer?" Sirius asks, "No offense, Moony, but you're a werewolf. Not a seer. I think you've been reading too much about divination."

Remus frowns, "Do you not believe me?"

"Of course, I believe you," Sirius says, "I know I've never really believed in all that. Seeing into the future..."

"I know...but, what if what I saw actually comes true?" Remus questions. Sirius sighs and pulls Remus even closer to him, if that's even possible. "It's not going to come true. Trust me. I know," Sirius says, "All those things you saw sound terrible and horrific. But, they'll never happen."

"How can you be so sure?" Remus asks.

Sirius smiles, "Cause, if it's our future. It would never be that bad. Our future is going to be the best. Want to know why?" Remus nods. "Cause, in the future, it will be me and you against the world. We'll still be right next to each other years from now. We'll still love each other to the ends of the Earth. Cause nothing could ever pull me away from you, Remus Lupin. Nothing."

"Do you really think our future will be like that? And not like my dream?" Remus questions.

"It will be great, Moony. We'll have an apartment. I'll get a job and you'll get a job. We'll become like those couples you see in the Muggle movies. You know the ones where they snuggle up on the couch. And share kisses every morning. And cook each other dinner."

"You can't cook," Remus states.

Sirius shakes his head, "But, this is the future. I could learn!"

"You would probably burn down the kitchen," Remus states with a small smile.

"Well, I would make it up to you. I would give you the most cool birthday gifts."

"Coolest," Remus corrects.

"I'm in the middle of something, Rem, don't correct me. And every Valentine's Day, I can buy you loads upon loads of chocolate! I'll take you out for these fancy schmancy meals every anniversary!" Sirius exclaims.

"And what about the others?" Remus says, glancing at their sleeping friends.

"Well, of course, we'll still be the bestest of friends!"

"Why do you always make up words?" Remus asks.

"Cause, it's part of my Sirius Black flair. Now, let me finish. James and Peter will visit every weekend for our boys' night out. And who knows? Maybe James will finally get his act together and he'll be with Miss Red head." Sirius continues with a wide smile across his face.

Remus shakes his head at his actions, "One, call her Lily, and not miss red head. You know she would hurt you if she heard you say that. And two, how can you spin up this story about our future. How can you think so positively when our futures may never be close to what you envision? What if it's just a big mess? What if it will be as painful as I saw it as?"

"I can think positively cause I have you by my side. Nothing can go wrong because I have you, Remus. And you will always have me. The world may get a little tipsy and things may not be as I hope for them to be. But, whatever future it is. It'll be fine. Our future will be fine. Because we have each other. Nothing bad can happen when we have each other," Sirius says. Remus looks to Sirius for a minute, a mixture of shock and understanding cross through his mind. Since when has Sirius become like this. "What have you done to my boyfriend?" Remus questions, "That's got to be the wisest thing I've ever heard from you."

Sirius waves his hand, "Ah, it's nothing. I do have my moments you know..."

"Yeah, but never in class," Remus states.

Sirius pouts, "Mooooonyyyyyy..." Remus sighs and covers Sirius's mouth with his hand. "Stop whining," Remus states. Sirius shakes his head and Remus opens his mouth to say something. Before he can, Sirius takes Remus's hand in his own and pulls it away from his mouth. He brings his face right up to Remus's and presses their lips together. Remus's eyes widen in shock for less than a second before he reciprocates the kiss. They pull away after a few seconds, their eyes filled with love for one another. "Thank you," Remus says.

Sirius smiles at him, "You never have to thank me, Remus. I'm here for you. Always."

I hope that you enjoyed this one-shot. I wanted to make Remus's dream sort of vague, so if you didn't understand it that was the point. It was basically just foreshadowing the future. And you know what happens in the future. With that said, if you enjoyed this story, please vote, comment, follow me, add this story to your library, and check out my Kpop one-shots. Until next time. Bye!!!!

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