C'mon Dude Part 2

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Here is the second part of C'mon Dude. I hope you enjoy. This takes place exactly after part one. This one-shot is dedicated to Yaoi4lifeforever

In a flash of bright light Wally and the lady appeared in front of Wayne Manor. "I told you to take me home, not to Wayne Manor. I don't think I should talk to Dick right now." Wally said feeling a little guilty.

"We are not in present time Wallace. This is Wayne Manor in the future. This is my last attempt to convince you that you should be with Richard Grayson," the Lady said gesturing to a window of Wayne Manor.

Wally sighed and rolled his eyes, "Fine." Wally peered through the window and his eyes widened at the scene. Roy Harper and Dick Grayson sat on the couch arms wrapped around one another. The couple on the couch looked at one another and begin making out. Wally's face paled and he looked shocked. "What the heck is that?" Wally exclaimed.

"That is Roy Harper Grayson Wayne and his husband, Richard Harper Grayson Wayne" The lady replied calmly.

"But I thought Dick likes me! Why would he marry Roy?!" Wally exclaimed.

The lady smirked and answered calmly, "He moved on from his childhood crush. Richard realized that he shouldn't continue to love a guy, who won't admit he feels the same way. Roy Harper was there for Richard when he needed him most. They started spending more time together and eventually they fell in love."

Wally stared at the lady in shock, "That's great for them. They deserve one another." The lady frowned and in a flash of light they disappeared. Leaving the married couple to kiss one another.

They reappeared in front of an old, dirty house. "Why do you keep bringing me to random places? Can't you just bring me back home and stop messing with my life" Wally groaned.

"I have brought you home, your future home," the lady said, "Look through the window." Wally just sighed and peeked through the window. In the house is a disheveled man sitting on a couch. Wally couldn't tell who this man is, but he could see that this man is holding an object in his hand. The man turned his head and Wally could get a clear view of him. The man is none other than a future Wally West. Wally's face paled as the future version of himself began to speak. "My life is a mess. I shouldn't have married Artemis. I shouldn't have lived in fear. I should have told Dick I loved him. I shouldn't have listened to my father and let it ruin my life. I should be with Dick, right now, not in this old house all alone. This is all my fault. I wouldn't be here if I ignored my father opinion on my sexuality. I shouldn't have pretended to be straight when I knew I was as gay as can be," future Wally said frowning. Wally's eyes had widened and he remembered what his father had said when he came out. Wally could remember every word he had spat at him. Every blow that had landed on Wally's body. Ever since than, he pretended to like girls and brought them over to his house. Just to prove to his father that he liked only girls. Eventually he had come to believe he is straight. He continued to flirt with girls, even when his Uncle Barry adopted him. But, inside he knows how he feels about his long-term best friend. Wally knows that he has to make this right. He knows that he can't end up like this future version of himself. Wally turns away from the window and talks to the lady, "Please take me back to my timeline. I want to make this right. I need to tell Dick that I love him."

The lady smiles, "I am glad that you have finally realized your true feelings." In a flash of light they disappeared. Leaving behind future Wally talking to no one about all the regrets he has in his life.

Wally reappeared on the street he was taken from before. "Make this right Wallace West. You know what you must do," the lady said before disappearing in a bright flash of light. Wally's face showed pure determination as he ran to Wayne Manor. When he reached the Manor he began to knock on the door repeatedly. After a few more knocks, the door Is opened by Alfred. "Master Wallace. I wasn't expecting your arrival," Alfred said, "Master Dick is in his room but he isn't feeling well. I believe it would be unwise to visit him." Wally ignored Alfred as he rushed to Dick's room. He opened the door and saw Bruce comforting Dick. Wally awkwardly entered the room and spoke, "Hey Bruce....Dick. Um.....can I talk to you alone, Dick?" Bruce glared at Wally and looked down at his son. Dick muttered something to Bruce, while Wally stood there shuffling his feet. After Dick stopped speaking Bruce nodded his head and headed to the door. Before leaving he said something to Wally, "If you hurt him. I will not hesitate to hurt you." Wally nodded his head knowing that he wouldn't hurt Dick ever again. Dick looked at Wally waiting for him to say something. "I've been wanting to tell you this for a while but I didn't cause I was scared. My dad always disapproved of this side of me. So......I pretended to be someone I am not and-" Wally rambled before being cut off my Dick.

"Wally, can you just tell me what you've been wanting to tell me?" Dick said smirking a little.

"Oh....right....well....um....Dick....I....I love you Dick" Wally said his face flushing, "I think I always had a crush on you. Well....I had a crush on Robin first....but than I met the real you and-" Dick had cut Wally off once again with a kiss. The kiss lasted for what seemed like eternity. But, for Wally the entire world is becoming brighter than ever before. Dick slowly pulled away and smiled when he saw Wally's red face. "I'm glad you feel that way. I love you too. I've been hinting at it for the longest time. What made you want to tell me now?" Dick said.

"Let's just say, a friend helped me gather up the courage to talk to you," Wally said thinking of the lady.

"I am glad that this friend helped you. Cause now we can be together, that is if you want to be with me," Dick said blushing.

Wally smiled, "Of course I want to be with you. Your the amazing Dick Grayson Wayne. I don't deserve to have someone as great as you. Your rich, a stellar acrobat, and the kick-ass superhero Robin."

Dick shook his head and laughed, "Your something else Wally West. You know that your just as amazing as I am. Considering you are incredibly good at science and the kick-ass superhero Kid Flash."

"You know, your right. I am amazing. I'm probably the coolest person in the world. I mean there's no one else in the world who can run as fast as I do and juggle schoolwork!" Wally said smiling.

"Your so modest," Dick said rolling his eyes.

Wally smirked, "You know, you love me."

"Yeah....I do love you," Dick said. Wally smiled as he pressed his lips against Dick's. They stayed in Dick's room kissing one another and starting there amazing love story.

Thank you guys so much for reading! Don't hesitate to comment a new couple or ship you would like me to write a one-shot about! Please follow me, vote, and comment!


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