Sweet Melody

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Hello! I have a Hyunsung one-shot for you all today. I haven't written a ton of one-shots for this ship, but I absolutely adore this pairing. If you couldn't tell, this ship is the first one I am writing an all out full-length story about. You should definitely go check it out if you like Hyunsung. It's called Collision Course. That's the end of my shameless plug. Anyway...this one-shot is going to be a bit different from anything I've written. It's loosely based off of the song Sweet Melody by Little Mix. It mentions some more mature topics, but nothing really happens, so you are free to read to your heart's content. I hope that you enjoy it.

Jisung grins as he runs forward and throws his arms around his two friends and bandmates, Chan and Changbin. "What's got you in such a good mood?" Chan asks as the three walk side by side towards the platform that will help them mystically descend to underneath the stage. The three are in a large arena, performing their final two concerts for their Asian leg of their tour. Their fans are cheering their names and waving banners with their faces on them in the air. They all flash smiles to the fans as they walk forward, adrenaline still pumping through their veins after their performance. "Oh...no reason...." Jisung says in a bragging tone, "I just picked up this really beautiful boy in the audience. I invited him backstage..." Chan and Changbin exchange a look before rolling their eyes. Jisung pouts at his friend's actions as they all stand on top of the platform and bow to say their final goodbyes to the crowd. "Hey, what was with that reaction?" Jisung questions, "You're my bros....you should be proud of me."

"Kinda hard to be when you do this every night..." Changbin deadpans as the platform starts to slowly lower.

"I don't..." Jisung states.

"Yeah, right," Changbin scoffs, "Every time we have a concert, you come to tell me about this pretty girl or drop-dead gorgeous guy you invited to come backstage and hang out..."

"We all know what hang out really means..." Chan hums as Jisung scowls and crosses his arms over his chest. Soon enough, the three boys are lowered to the bottom of the stage. They are flocked by their staff, who help wipe the makeup off their faces and get out of their stage outfits. "What does it matter what I'm doing with them?" Jisung asks, "They enjoy the time they spend with me..."

"I'm sure they would enjoy it even more if you gave them your phone number," Changbin says.

Jisung shakes his head, "That isn't how I roll..."

"We know," Chan sighs, "And that is why...as your bros...we can never be happy for you."

"You're starting to become a bit of a jerk," Changbin admits. Jisung huffs at his friends' words before stomping off towards his dressing room, having had heard more than enough of their opinions. "I don't care what you think," Jisung calls out, "If you'll excuse me...I have someone waiting for me..."


Jisung sits on his couch within his personal dressing room. His guitar is propped up next to him and there are a variety of snacks on the small table in the center of the room. He glances up at the door, waiting patiently for the boy to come. He thankfully doesn't have to wait long as quiet knocks come from the door followed by a muffled hello. "Come on in!" Jisung calls out. The door slowly creeps open to reveal a boy with long black hair. He has small braids near the crown of his head where ribbons are curled through his locks. He has tiny strands of hair framing the sides of his pretty face which brush against his plump lips that are curled in a sweet smile. He is wearing skinny jeans and a short leather jacket on top of a shirt with a sheer like material. "Hi, gorgeous..." Jisung hums as he scans the boy up and down, "What's your name?"

"Hyunjin," The boy says as he walks over to take a seat besides Jisung. He leans close to the artist and giggles as Jisung reaches a hand up to run through his hair. "Wow..." Jisung murmurs, admiring Hyunjin's features, "You are something else..."

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