That Bottle on the Beach

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Welcome Moonfairies! This is another Minjoon one-shot that is just in time for summer!!!! It's a summer themed one-shot people! Woooo! This is going to be cute, but possibly sad. So, you have been warned. Nonetheless, I hope that you all enjoy this one-shot. Let's go!

Jimin walks along the beach wiggling his toes in the sand. He looks up at the sky and smiles as the sun hits his face. It's the perfect temperature, not too hot or humid. Jimin inhales and smiles as the salty smell of the water hits his nose. It's summer and that means it's time to go to the beach. Jimin anticipates this time all year. The time where he can just run to the beach and spend all day there. The sounds of kids playing in the sand. The seagulls flying through the sky. The crystal blue seas of Busan calling his name. It's his safe haven. His home. The place where he doesn't need to worry about anything, aside from getting sunburnt. Jimin loves the beach. He loves the summer. He loves the feel of the warm grains of sand touching his toes. He loves the...the green bottle in the sand. Jimin frowns and stops in his tracks. "Is it that hard to recycle people?" He mutters under his breath. He bends down and picks up the bottle. It leaves a circular indent in the sand and Jimin looks at the bottle with annoyance. His eyebrows raise when he notices a piece of paper and a pen inside of it. Jimin turns the bottle around shaking it to get its contents to pour out. The items come tumbling out because of the jostling. Jimin grabs onto the note and sits down on the sand. He places the bottle back where he found it. He would throw it out later. He unfurls the note and his eyes widen as he spots words written across the paper.

Hello, to the person who decides to read this note. I don't really know why I'm writing this. It just seemed like a good idea to me at the time. I guess, I'm just looking to talk to someone this summer. Oh, I forgot to say my name. I'm Kim Namjoon. It's nice to meet you person reading this note. I hope someone reads this note. We could be friends. We could send each other notes through this glass bottle. Hopefully, someone didn't throw it out. Oh gosh, no one is going to see this note if it's thrown out. Oh, well, I'm still going to leave it here. I want to see if anyone responds. If someone does find my bottle on the beach. It's situations like these where we meet the most special of people. So, if you're reading this, I guess you're special. Please respond to me, I left a pen and paper for you. Bye, person reading this note. I hope to get a message back from you.

Jimin sighs and looks up from the paper. Should he respond? He rubs the note with his finger and realizes there's another sheet behind it. It's a blank paper and it's basically inviting him to write on it. He looks at it and picks up the pen. He fiddles with the clicker, trying to decide whether or not to reply to the stranger. He sighs again and decides to write out a response, against his better judgement. He slips the note from Kim Namjoon into his pocket. He starts to write, leaning against his knee for a hard surface.


Jimin returns to the beach the next day. He avoids the area with the bottle, not knowing if he should be expecting a response. He doesn't want to know. He is near the water, it hits his toes and gets bits of sand stuck to his ankles. He smiles as the cool breeze hits his face. Jimin tries his best to not go check the bottle, but curiosity gets the better of him. He goes over to it and sees it in the same place as yesterday. He picks it up and dumps out the contents again. He opens the note and reads the words from Kim Namjoon.

I can't believe you responded. I'm so happy that you did. It's nice to meet you, Park Jimin. I'm going to tell you more about myself, so that it makes this whole note giving thing more comfortable. I'm 25 and from Ilsan. I'm pretty tall and have dimples. I'm visiting Busan for summer vacation. Back home, I work as a music producer for a company I run with my best friend. I like reading, crabs, and Ryan. Don't judge me about that last thing. What about you? Are you a native or just visiting for vacation? Also, to answer your question, I like to believe that we are all connected in some way. All it takes is a little something like this to make us realize the connection and meet. We haven't really met, but we can definitely get to know each other better through these notes. I'm looking forward to getting to know you more, Park Jimin.

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