Dear Web-Head

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Here is part two of Dear Bucket-Head. Hope you enjoy! Let me set the scene. Sam is leaving to space with the Guardian's Of the Galaxy today. He has already read the note that Peter has left him. Let's see if Sam feels the same way.

Sam's POV

I had finished reading the note Peter wrote to me an hour ago. I sat in my room for an hour in shock. I couldn't believe that Web-Head feels that way about me. In all honesty I feel the exact same way about Peter. He makes me feel complete. I want to be with him, but I have to go into space for years. There's a chance I may never return. I can't be with Peter because it may break his heart. But, I know I want to be with him even if I leave for years. I sigh and lay down on my bed. Why is my life so complicated?! Why can't I just be with Peter and be happy! Why do I need to go into space with the Guardians? Wait....why did I need to go into space? I was running.....running away from the heartbreak of seeing Peter not return my feeling. But, Peter feels the same way. Peter loves me and I love him. I slowly sit up and decide to make a call to the Guardians. After calling the Guardians and telling them I wouldn't be joining them, I headed over to Peter's house. I wanted to tell him right to his face how I feel about him. I knocked hard on the door, nervous and excited at the same time. The door slowly opened and revealed Peter, "Hey Sam shouldn't you be leaving with the Guardians now?"

"I should be. But I'm not. I want to talk to you about this," I say holding up the letter Peter sent me. Peter's face flushed and he looked at the ground sheepishly. "I'm guessing you read it. It's fine if you don't feel the same way. I just needed to tell you before you leave. Wow...I feel really stupid now. I wrote you this whole love note and-" Peter said before I cut him off by crushing my lips onto his own. Peter melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. As we kissed my heart beat faster and faster. As our lips stayed locked the world seemed to glow and my entire body felt tingly. Peter slowly pulled away and took in a deep breath, "Y-you...."

"I love you too, Pete. I want to be with you," I said smiling as a blush crept up onto my face.

"But....your going into space for years," Peter said frowning in disappointment.

I shook my head, "I called the Guardians and told them I'm not going with them. I'm going to stay here. I'm going to be with you."

"Really. Your staying." Peter said smiling a little.

"Your going to have to be stuck with me a while longer Web-Head," I said moving closer so our faces are only centimeters apart. Peter smiled before crushing his lips against mines. We kissed for what seemed like hours. It is an amazing feeling. I pulled away and blushed, "You wrote how you feel about me in a letter. I want to tell you to your face how I feel about you."

"Alright. Your not going to start by saying Dear Web-Head are you?" Peter asked.

I smirked, "I wasn't going to, but now that you said that. I think I will." Peter groaned and gently slapped his forehead with his hand. I laughed, "Don't worry Petey. It is a great letter and calling me Bucket-Head at the beginning is genius." 

"Must you mock my writing skills. I was trying to make it sound sweet. Like a pet name. It is a love letter," Peter said blushing a bit.

I laughed, "If my 'pet name' is Bucket-Head, than yours is Web-Head. Will you stop talking and let me speak." Peter crossed his arms but, nodded his head and closed his mouth. I sighed, "Thank you. I thought I would never have the chance to tell you how much you mean to me. I mean you just kept on talking on and on."

"Hey! I'm not that bad. You love me." Peter said giving me a cheesy smile.

"I do love you. Alright, I'm starting my declaration of love to you now. Dear Web-Head. Your an even better hero than I am Pete. Spider-Man is a hero, but Peter Parker is the one to give the Web-Head a huge and kind heart. The mistakes you make are meaningless because you make up for with it by being you. I love you Peter. I love you more than anything in the entire galaxy. My heart feels like a shooting star as it spirals through the night sky.  It's so difficult to describe absolute perfection. Everything about you is purely beautiful. Your features and your heart. I want to spend my life with you. I wanted to leave for space because I thought you didn't like me. But, now that you told me how you feel I'm not leaving Earth anytime soon. I want to be here, with you, as long as possible. Your my everything Peter Parker. Love, Sam Alexander. AKA. Your Bucket-Head." I said with a smile. My face turned red as Peter took a few steps closer to me. His face is inches away from mine. In an instant our lips met and fireworks exploded around us. I pulled away and looked Pete in the face, "I'm guessing you liked my declaration." I say blushing more.

"I didn't like it. I loved it. Almost as much as I love you," Peter said before crushing his lips against mine. We stayed there kissing one another for as long as humanly possible. All is well, Peter and I are together. We're Spider-Man and Nova. We're Peter and Sam. We're Spidey-Nova. At least that's what I think the media is going to be calling us.

Thank you guys for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please tell me which ships you want me to write about in the comments! Bye for now!

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