Fated but Not yet There

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I am back with day 3 of Minjoon one-shot week. This one-shot will have one time skip and I have this feeling it will be rather emotional. Also, please excuse my incorrect use of wording during the first part of the one-shot. I don't really know what would be the proper honorifics during that time frame and I did best I could. Another note, it is graphic in some ways since I mention blood, so please be aware of this. So, with that in mind, let's get into it.

57 BCE

Namjoon sits on the floor scanning over a scroll that tells of a lost tale. He is so focused on the paper within his hand that he doesn't notice the arrival of one Park Jimin. Jimin sits down next to Namjoon and peers over his shoulder. He pouts, waiting for Namjoon to notice him. When he doesn't, he decides to comment on the scroll, "Soulmates? What is it that you are reading Namjoon-ssi?" Namjoon jumps and glances over at Jimin. He breathes a sigh of relief and places the scroll on a small desk in front of him. "When did you get here?" Namjoon asks.

Jimin smiles, "Not too long ago. I missed you, Namjoon-ssi..." He shifts closer to the man and wraps his arms around him. Namjoon leans into his touch and places his head into the crook of Jimin's neck. "I have missed you as well," Namjoon murmurs, "Did anyone follow you here?"

Jimin shakes his head, "I am quite stealthy, Namjoon-ssi." Namjoon smiles and pulls away from Jimin's grasp. He takes Jimin's hand into his own and plays with his fingers ever so delicately. "I know you are..." Namjoon says with a fond look on his face. Jimin flushes and looks back at Namjoon with a similar expression. "You never answered my question, Namjoon-ssi. What are you reading?"

"Oh, nothing too interesting. Just an old legend that people have begun discussing recently," Namjoon says.

Jimin nods, "Tell me about it. I like it when you tell me stories."

"Of course. Your request is my command, your highness," Namjoon states, "It's about soulmates. It is said that two souls are made for each other. So much so, that they will find one another even when the odds may seem against them. Those that find their soulmate will either stay with them or risk losing the other. That choice is not up to the soulmates, but rather fate. Fate is cruel. It has set certain people up with one another, yet dislikes it when the match is too perfect. Fate doesn't like seeing things easy and simple. Life is a game for fate to play with. And fate will continue to toy with the lives of soulmates. Nonetheless, the strength and love of soulmates is so strong that it gets another chance. If the soulmates are unable to find one another in one lifetime, they are given the chance to do so in another. They are reborn and given another opportunity at their love. It is said that this process may continue forever, as fate finds some soulmates so made for each other that it must ruin their chances of a happy ending."

"I do not know what to say," Jimin says, "Is it true?"

Namjoon shrugs, "Possibly. It depends on whether or not you believe in fate."

"I had always believed that fate had our best interests at heart," Jimin states, "Now, I am not so sure if that is true."

"There is no way of knowing. Fate. Soulmates. It seems like something out of a storybook, no?" Namjoon says, glancing at Jimin.

Jimin nods his head and looks back at him, "Do you believe in the legend, Namjoon-ssi? Soulmates, is it a possibility?"

"I think there is some truth to it all. Some of us are made to find one another," Namjoon states, "I would like to think that I have already met my soulmate." Namjoon looks right into Jimin's eyes as he says these last words. Jimin flushes and covers his face with his hands. Namjoon reaches up and pulls the shield away from Jimin's face. Their faces are centimeters away from one another. Namjoon and Jimin both smile as they look at one another lovingly. They close the distance between them, slowly but surely. Suddenly, there is a loud crash and the door to Namjoon's humble home is thrown open. Multiple men stream into the door all holding weapons and dressed in guard uniforms. They point their swords and arrows at Namjoon. The two freeze and stare at the intruders. Jimin's eyes widen as he recognizes who they are. "Namjoon..." He whispers, "You need to run..." Namjoon doesn't get the chance to move when one of the guards releases an arrow. Jimin watches with wide eyes as the arrow arcs through the air and lodges itself into Namjoon's chest. Jimin lets out a scream and the guards rush to surround him. "You are safe now, your highness!" One of the guards pronounces loudly. Namjoon slumps onto the floor and Jimin watches with wide eyes. He lets out soundless sobs as he sees the life drain from his lover's eyes. "No...no...Namjoon...." Jimin mutters, "This can't be happening. You can't be....Namjoon wake up...please..." The guards start to drag Namjoon as well as Jimin out of the home. Jimin struggles against their grip, trying to return to Namjoon's side. He is unable to do so as the guards use their full force to pull him back to the litter they brought along. Tears run down his cheeks as he is forced into a seat and told that it would all be alright. It is not alright, his Namjoon is dead. Nothing could be alright. "You were my soulmate. We were supposed to find each other...why didn't we..." Jimin says in a shaky voice. He lets out a strangled sob and buries his face into his hands.

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