Chance at Drama

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Hello, I'm back for our next one-shot of Minjoon one-shot week. This one is also set in their Idol life, but it's not the same as the last one-shot. This one is different than the previous universe because their relationship, although established is a secret kept from everyone. With that in mind, let's do this!

Namjoon and Jimin walk hand in hand to the practice rooms. They both had been called in an hour earlier than the rest of the group. Hitman Bang had something he wanted to speak about with them. Namjoon lets go of Jimin's hand as they enter their studios. Jimin pouts, but continues to walk beside Namjoon. "Why can't we hold hands? Jimin asks.

Namjoon bites his lip, "No one can know about us, Jiminie. It's too risky. Between our job and the fact that we're both guys...."

Jimin huffs, "I don't think that matters..."

Namjoon sighs, "I wish it didn't, but it does. For that reason, we can't do things such as this." Jimin shakes his head, not agreeing with this, but not wanting to argue with his boyfriend. They had been over this topic a couple of times now. Each time, they've come to the outcome of continuing to hide it. They thought it would be best for them. No one knows they're together, not even the other members. They had feared that things would become awkward if they had revealed the true nature of their relationship. They didn't want that. They didn't want BTS to suffer because of them. Their relationship has to remain a secret for everyone's sake. That's just the way it will have to be. The boys approach Hitman Bang's office and the door is already wide open. They share equal looks of confusion. The door is usually kept shut, was there something wrong? Jimin nudged Namjoon and said man nodded his head. Namjoon peaks his head through the doorway. His eyes land on their boss conversing with a young woman. Namjoon frowns and quickly retracts his head. Jimin looks at him, "What's the sitch?"

"No idea. He's talking to some lady," Namjoon says in a quiet tone.

Jimin's brow furrows, "A lady? Is she a new producer or maybe a stylist?"

Namjoon shrugs, "I don't think so, but there's only one way to find out." He taps at the door with his clenched hand. Hitman Bang answers immediately, "Come on in boys. We've been expecting you." The boys share a look before walking into the room. Hitman Bang sat at his desk and in another seat across from Bighit's CEO is the young lady. She appears to be barely 20, especially since she supports a large smile across her face. "Take a seat boys," Bang states, gesturing to the two other seats across from him. The boys sit down, their seats next to one another. Namjoon sits in the center, the lady on his left and Jimin on his right. "You're probably wondering why I only asked you two to come earlier," Hitman Bang states. The young men both nod their heads, a bit nervous as to what their boss would say. They could only hope it was positive news. They could only pray that it didn't have anything to do with their secret. Bang nods, "Well, I'm not going to keep you waiting. Let's just cut to the chase. I'd like to introduce you to Miss Wu." The CEO gestures to the young lady sitting beside them. Miss Wu waves at them and gives them a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you. You can just call me's a nickname," The female states. The boys nod their heads and introduce themselves to Kay. "Good, now that introductions are done. Let's get down to business," Hitman Bang says. Jimin eyes Namjoon warily, wondering what this could possibly be about. It was one thing to be called in early, it was a whole other thing for it to be a meeting with some stranger. Namjoon catches Jimin's expression and he can't help but share the same sentiment. "Excuse me, sir. What is this all about?" Namjoon asks.

"That has to do with Miss Wu's occupation. She's an up and coming director and she just so happens to producing her first original drama," Hitman Bang explains.

Kay nods, "It's my first solo project. I've always been a fan of BTS and have followed their work. I thought why not try and see if they would be willing to take some part in the drama. I did some digging and got into contact with Mr. Bang and here we are. What I want to say is that I really want you two to be in it. Possibly as the leads..." Namjoon and Jimin both raise their eyebrows on surprise. Them? She wants them to be her actors. Why them? "Really? But, why would you want us?" Namjoon questions, "I'm not exactly an actor."

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