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Hello! I am back with another one-shot to share with you. This one isn't really any particular ship, it could honestly apply to multiply ones. It could be two original characters, Minjoon, Bughead, or any other ship. I feel like you could make a case of it fitting any. Anyway, let's get into the one-shot. I hope you like it!

My mom always said that I looked at the world based off of its colors.

I guess that's true.

I like to judge things based off of their color. Each color has a different meaning. Every color tells a different story.

I've never done anything without thinking what color would fit it.

I wondered about which color would fit each of my friends.

I even matched a color for all of the relationships I've been through, although I haven't been in a lot.

I've always loved colors. I never expected to love them anymore than I already do. Somehow, my love for colors increased. I loved colors more because of someone. Because that someone brought even more color into my life.


Red is the color of intensity. It's the color of pride and strength. The color of determination and ambition. Red is a show stealer that emulates self-confidence. It's the color of the sweatshirt you wore when we first met.

White is the color of beginnings. It's the color of possibility and humility. White is a cleansing color of innocence and purity. It is faith and understanding. White is the color of your dog that kept on getting away from you. And finding its way to me.

Orange is the color of change. It is fascination and enjoyment. It is a vibrant color of creativity and determination. Orange is the color of balance and freedom. Orange is the color of the sunset we stared at during our late night bike rides.

Yellow is the color of hope. It's the color of positivity and joy. Yellow is remembrance and loyalty. It is energy and spontaneity. Yellow is the color of the sunflowers you gave me when you confessed how you felt.

Black is the color of mystery. It is elegance and formality. Black is authority and strength. It is fear and sophistication. It is sexy and unknown. Black is the color of your hair that you styled for our first date.

Pink is the color of tenderness. It's the color of romance and affection. Pink is the color of friendship, harmony, and inner peace. It is charming and playful. Pink is the color of the cotton candy we shared during the carnival.

Blue is the color of imagination. Blue is depth and loyalty. It is the color of tranquility and serenity. It is inspiration and sensitivity and confidence. Blue is the color of the ocean, at the beach, where we shared our first kiss.

Green is the color of growth. It is freshness and fertility. It's the color of hope and renewal. Green is the color of nature and life. Green is the color of the trees that gave us shade when we said our first I love yous

Purple is the color of devotion. It's the color of independence and pride. Purple is extravagance and magic. It is luxury and dignity. Purple is the color of the velvet box holding a simple band of metal inside.


None of these colors symbolize our love.

Our love is a different color.

Everyone's love is a different color

Ours is a unique color.

Gray is the color of our love. It's not the prettiest of colors, but it's the one that fits our love. Our love is not pure enough to be white. It's not depressing enough to be black. It's not passionate enough to be red or sweet enough to be pink. Our love is gray. It is unlike any other and has a story of its very own. Our love is sophisticated and timeless. It's like the stones we threw into the lake during our first date. It's the color of the sink in our first apartment that you somehow managed to break. Gray is the color of the pigeons that you insist on feeding bread crumbs to. It's the color of the suit you wore to my dance recital. It is the sky when we danced in the rain one quiet night. Gray will be the color of your hair as we both get older. It is the color of the cat that I brought home and begged you to adopt. It's the color of the walkway to our forever home. It's the color of the moon we both looked at when we were far apart from each other. It's the color of the coins we drop into a jar that is collecting money for a vacation. It's the color of the glasses that sit upon your face. It's the color that you say you like the most. It's the color that makes me feel safe and protected. Gray is the color of our love. It's not the most conventional color, but it's our color.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope that you enjoyed this sweet one-shot. Also, I am not completely coming out of hiatus, so don't expect frequent updates. I just thought it was time for a small update. Please comment, vote, follow me, and add this story to your library. I will see you all next time!

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